Page 8 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
P. 8

8 Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation

The future role of gas

By Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Borchardt (pictured), Director for the Internal Energy Market,
DG ENER, European Commission

Europe is undergoing a far                emission reduction and renewable          renewable sources would require
             reaching energy transition   production goals in the energy            smarter and stronger electricity
             in order to decarbonise all  sector, some advocate an "all-            grids, wide-spread introduction of
             aspects of our daily lives   electric world", where energy             flexibility measures, and higher levels
  and this in a relatively short period.  is produced as renewable electricity,     of (seasonal) storage and back-up
  The overarching mission is to move      stored as electricity and all end-        generation capacity.
  towards a zero-emission, carbon-        applications are switched to
  neutral Europe. The pathway is clear:   electrical appliances.                    It is therefore necessary to investigate
  decarbonising the economy by 2050                                                 specifically whether, to which extent
  in the order of 80-95% compared         However, some recent studies and          and how gas and gas infrastructure
  to 1990, achieving along the way        assessments (Frontier) have found         can be compatible with the climate
  reductions of at least 40% by 2030      that this transition to an "all-electric  objectives and deliver cost-effective
  and 60% by 2040.                        world" is neither technically feasible    solutions to achieve the energy
                                          nor economically acceptable because       transition. This will also require
  In light of the ambitious               it would significantly increase the       investigating optimal use of the
  decarbonisation targets, it is evident  energy costs for private and industrial   infrastructure building on synergies
  that the energy transition process      consumers. Indeed, full electrification   and interactions between the gas and
  has to be stepped up. To reach the      by using exclusively intermittent         electricity sectors.

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