Page 37 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 37

Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation        37


The joy of reason –

smart and sustainable mobility

Germany is currently                          workshop service and usage all require        fleets and aims at integrating processes
                adapting to a new future in   intensive development inputs. By              that are presently separate from each
                road transport – one that is  way of example, in the current cluster        other, such as the scheduled delivery
                automated, connected and      project ‘e-volution – integration of          slots in urban zones and the daily
electric. Home to OEMs and leading            innovative concepts for a more efficient      load curves in the power grid. At its
automotive industry supply companies          e-vehicle offering higher performance’,       core, IMEI is asking how networked
but also endowed with a deep-rooted           Porsche AG is engaging and interacting        electromobility can help shaping the
SME culture and a highly diverse              with six partners in a bid to fulfil a        smart city and thus make it a quieter,
research landscape, the Federal State of      research-driven objective in which pre-       cleaner and generally more attractive
Baden-Württemberg is now trailblazing         series cutting-edge technologies from         place to be.
the design and development of these           all sectors are pooled and expressed in
new technologies and applications.            one vehicle.                                  AN INCREASINGLY INTERNATIONAL
One of the major players is the Cluster                                                     PLAYER
Electric Mobility South-West. Funded          E-vehicles need advanced charging             An orientation towards the global
by Germany’s federal and state-level          technologies. The project ‘BiLawE’            e-vehicle market is encoded in the
governments, this leading-edge cluster        is developing a smart, bidirectional,         genetic make-up of the Cluster Electric
comprises more than 100 companies             inductive charging system: the driver         Mobility South-West. The vast majority
as well as 13 research institutions and       simply parks the vehicle and its smart        of companies and research facilities
universities working together under           algorithms enable it to decide whether        concerned are international players. An
a cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary        it needs to ‘fill up’ or whether it can feed  example of the cluster’s international
remit – a unique advantage when it            power into the grid. With electrification,    approach is its long-standing
comes to driving forward the right kind       we are seeing the automobile morph            cooperation with the French region of
of innovations in e-mobility systems.         from an end consumer to a component           Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. To open the
                                              of the energy supply system. On the           door to Europe for those SMEs that are
‘Being sensible has never been so             one hand, the state-of-charge window          not yet operating internationally, the
much fun. And being sensible means            for plug-in vehicles can be attuned           cluster – with the support of Germany’s
harnessing renewable energies for our         in order to balance fluctuations in           Federal Ministry for Education and
roads in order to reduce pollutants           renewable energy supply. On the other         Research (BMBF) – is now set to
and achieve net-zero GHG emissions.           hand, e-vehicle batteries can serve           strengthen the cooperation in Europe
However, e-mobility is also fun because       as integrated energy stores and feed          as of 2017.
it offers simple, smart and direct            power back into the grid. The cluster
solutions and – in terms of general           project ‘IMEI’ focuses on e-mobility and      Don’t miss out on the latest news, go to
appearance – many other advantages            energy supply integration in e-vehicle l
over conventional vehicles. The
Cluster Electric Mobility South-West
has become increasingly successful
at promoting the industrialisation of
electromobility.’ Says Franz Loogen,
Managing Director of e-mobil BW
GmbH, the agency that coordinates the
cluster’s activities. ‘Our focus constantly
revolves around the interplay of three
key factors: fascinating technology,
economic potential and ecological

New materials, new parameters for
component durability, new vehicle
architectures and new concepts for
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