Energy transition now – fast, smart, resilient!
There's no time like now for the energy transition! Over 650 experts from 60 countries took part in the World Sustainable Energy Days 2024 (WSED) from 5-8 March in Wels, Austria – a leading annual conference on the energy transition and climate neutrality that offers a comprehensive package for the entire energy transition community.

WSEDPrice fluctuations, geopolitical instabilities and the climate crisis make the importance of the energy transition evident. New EU targets require a strong push for energy efficiency and renewable energy in all sectors. Under the motto "Energy transition now – fast, smart, resilient!", the WSED 2024 focussed on how to realise the high policy ambitions of the Green Deal and strengthen the clean energy markets.

The WSED are organised by OÖ Energiesparverband, the regional energy agency of Upper Austria. Upper Austria has established itself internationally as a pioneer region for sustainable energy as well as for the development and uptake of innovative energy technologies.

It is a perfect location for the event: Through significant increases in energy efficiency and renewable energy, greenhouse gas emissions from buildings in the region were reduced by 42% in the last 20 years. Renewables already supply 33% of all primary energy and 65% of all space heating.

Compact and comprehensive – a full package for the energy transition
The WSED offer a complete package of complementary events covering key topics for the global energy transition. In just 4 days, delegates can attend 6 dedicated conferences on policies, markets, financing, e-mobility, industrial decarbonisation and more. A leading tradeshow on renewables and energy efficiency and valuable networking events round up the programme. In 2024, the WSED attracted over 650 experts, including a wide range of business actors, the sustainable energy research community, and representatives from public bodies.

Energy efficiency policies in choppy waters
The Green Deal has resulted in an intense policy making process on European level with a range of new and challenging policy requirements for Member States. The Energy Efficiency Policy Conference presented the ambitious new European energy efficiency legislation and how it can be implemented.

It highlighted different initiatives which empower energy consumers and support key policy areas on their shift to sustainable energy.

Pathways to net-zero industries
Decarbonising industry is one of the main challenges in the energy transition and climate neutrality. Transforming industry quickly is imperative for economic survival. The Industrial Energy Efficiency Conference featured the key topics of the industrial transformation from competitiveness to digitalisation and innovation. Delegates learned about innovations to accelerate and upscale energy efficient and sustainable transformation pathways as well as inspiring examples from Austria and beyond showing how decarbonising industrial sites can be successfully tackled.

Pellets – smart and sustainable
As a CO2-neutral fuel, sustainable bioenergy is a key component in the energy transition. The European Pellet Conference showed how the acceptance of pellets as an important element in the clean energy transition and the positive contribution of pellets to circular economy can be increased. The event presented latest trends in markets, policies, technologies and innovations, helping the participants stay on top of developments in the pellet and bioenergy world. With more than 400 participants each year, this is the largest annual pellet event worldwide.

E-Mobility – next level!
The major role of e-mobility in achieving climate targets is obvious. The Smart E-Mobility Conference offered an overview of policies and innovations that drive e-mobility to the next level. It also provided an update on the latest R&D developments and solutions around smart charging – from bi-directional to automated – and battery integration.

Cities and regions, drivers for climate neutrality
Over 90 people attended the workshop "Cities and regions, drivers for climate neutrality". This interactive event was tailored to regional and local energy agencies as well as representatives of cities and regions. It presented best practice examples of a wide range of energy transition investments with different financing solutions, and provided a platform for inspiration, networking, and exchange for this community.

The next generation of experts
The Young Energy Researchers Conference presents the work and achievements of young researchers in the fields of biomass and energy efficiency from all over the world. It supports budding professionals in developing their peer network. More than 110 papers from over 40 countries were submitted to the Call for Papers for the 2024 edition. These were reviewed and evaluated by a high-level international scientific committee, who select papers for oral and poster presentations. The Best Young Energy Researchers Awards were a highlight of the event.

World Sustainable Energy Days 2025 – Call for Papers & Speakers
The next edition of the WSED will be held from 5 – 7 March 2025 in Wels, Austria. The deadline for the Call for Papers & Speakers (including for the Young Energy Researchers Conference) is 10 October 2024.

Contact details:
Christiane Egger, Conference Director
OÖ Energiesparverband
Landstrasse 45
A-4020 Linz
Tel: +43 732 7720 14386