EU platform for energy-efficient refurbishment technologies and business models.
Today's measured rate of refurbishment is much lower than what should be observed to remain in line with Europe's 2050 ambitions. There is a need to accelerate the market uptake and large-scale implementation of energy efficient refurbishment solutions and increase the renovation level to 3% per year until 2030. The poor market acceptance of innovative refurbishment solutions is in most cases attributable to the lack of adequate business models. Innovative business models have already been demonstrated, but their replication is very slow: how can this replication be supported?
The EU H2020 project STUNNING (SusTainable bUsiNess models for the deep reNovation of buIldiNGs) has the goal to promote successful and innovative building renovation packages and business models around a virtual and collaborative knowledge sharing platform: the STUNNING Renovation Hub, so as to accelerate their adoption.
The Renovation Hub, launched in May 2018, builds on the extensive studies carried out by the STUNNING project team:
- Refurbishment packages are benchmarked based on factors such as required building characteristics, cost-benefit indicators, embedded technologies and technology readiness level.
- Results from the analysis of Europe-wide barriers for deep renovation are funneled through recommendations on how to overcome them.
- Promising and replicable renovation business models are mapped, analyzed and validated within case studies.
Designed to be collaborative, the Renovation Hub enables stakeholders from the entire value chain to gain and share knowledge through articles on innovative refurbishment packages, replicable business models and case studies on successful implementations. Interested parties can register with the following degrees of participation:
- Follower: Access information through publicly available articles, our social media channels and our newsletter.
- Expert: Get the additional ability to submit your own articles, validate articles from others and participate in workshops.
- Ambassador: Get additional exposure in leading the validation of articles and disseminating STUNNING in your own community.
Visit the platform and register online at

Contact details:
Co-ordinator: Karine Laffont-Eloire
Project STUNNING is funded by the European Union's framework programme Horizon 2020 under grant agreement No 768287. It started on October 2017 with a duration of 24 months and is coordinated by DOWEL Management (France) with project partners CSTB (France), RINA Consulting (Italy), Solintel (Spain) and Steinbeis 2i (Germany).