Surging Energy Absorption Through Increasing Thrust And efficiency
Europe's 2050 Energy Strategy
Roadmap has established a
target to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions by 80% -
95% compared to 1990 levels and
renewable energy accounting for
at least 64% and up to 97% of the
electricity consumed. A motivated
and well-experienced team from
industry and public institutions has
taken on the challenge to develop a
second-generation linear generator
power take-off solution for Wave
Energy Converters available for free
for everyone based on novel open
hardware business model.
project has received
funding from the
European Union's
Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under grant agreement
No. 764014 (call H2020-LCE-2017-
RES-RIA-TwoStage). A total of 11
European entities are involved in the
development of SEA-TITAN for a total
duration of 36 months.
The SEA-TITAN project aims to make
a step change in the wave energy
sector by designing, building, testing
and validating an innovative second generation
Direct Drive Linear Electric
Generator Power Take-Off solution:
An Azimuthal Multitranslator Linear
Switched Reluctance Machine
(AMSRM). This development is based
on a new configuration and geometry
of a first generation Multitranslator
Linear Switched Reluctance Machine
(Figure 1) developed by some of the
proponents some years ago. The
development aims at achieving high
continuous and peak force densities
and also high efficiencies with
application to multiple wave energy
conversion technologies through
collaboration with different wave
energy developers and industrial
partners with strong track record on

Figure 1: 1st generation multitranslator linear switched reluctance machine
Open hardware business model
Technology developers have felt
compelled to create patents out
of concern that the big energy
companies would copy their
technology and then use their
massive manufacturing, sales and
marketing power to overwhelm
these technology developers. They
couldn't have been more wrong. The
unfortunate reality is the opposite:
wave energy programs at the major
utilities or independent power
producers are small to non-existent,
constituting an average of far less
than 0.1% of their total R&D resources.
By opening the innovation process to
the open source community, SEATITAN
can benefit on the technology
side through comments, ideas,
and further developments. Open
source and crosscutting are the
characteristics that will define the
SEA-TITAN business model.
State of progress and opportunities
SEA-TITAN project is in its 24th
month of development (March 2020),
great success has been achieved
already: designs are finalized, and
prototype fabrication started together
Furthermore, the always expanding
external industrial exploitation
board (EIEB) already comprises
multiple experts from the areas
of the electricity generation
utilities, potential final users of the
technology, manufacturers and ocean
energy stakeholders. Don't hesitate
to contact us if you are interested
in joining SEA-TITAN project and get
access to the most advanced Power
Take-Off technology for wave energy.
Further information: