Discover EIRIE (European Interconnection for Research Innovation & Entrepreneurship), developed within the Horizon 2020 PANTERA project, and find out the richness of this interactive multi-functional platform, simply by using your EU credentials.
The key objective of the EIRIE platform is to connect and bring together the European Union’s Research & Innovation community in one place, to enable collaboration, increase wider interest and give access to all the resources needed to play an active role within the European research community. With PANTERA and especially the EIRIE platform, we will help bridge the gaps that currently exist in the energy field in Europe between Member States, by bringing in a single point of access, the attractiveness of successful partnerships and knowledge being national, regional or European.
In more details, the EIRIE platform aims at strengthening the participation of all Member States in support of the fifth pillar of the Energy Union (Research, Innovation and Competitiveness) and energy transition mentioned in "A Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy". Workshops, on a pan-European as well as regional level have been organised, interviews and research have been conducted to ensure the platform would effectively answer to the needs of the Research & Innovation community in the energy sector in Europe.
The platform users are facilitated to an easy access to information on potential funding and consortium building, projects data collection (results and outcomes, best practices, reports and deliverables, etc.), standards and regulations, all of these searchable via an easy-to-use search tool. To ensure the success and sustainability of the platform, we are working closely with DG Energy, JRC (EC Joint Research Centre) and ETIP SNET (ETIP Smart Networks for Energy Transition), hosting EIRIE on the servers of JRC, and ensuring long-term support through a service contract financed by DG Energy.
As the EIRIE platform is still growing and does not offer yet all planned services and tools, it is pivotal for us to gather valuable insights and feedback from an early stage to build on and apply to the platform.

The voice of Stakeholders
"The platform offers a good possibility for all the stakeholders to interact on a regular basis and exchange information on the smart grid implementation in various MS. It is also well integrated with other platforms in the area of smart energy systems." (Henry Donchev, Energy Expert Ministry of Energy of Bulgaria, Expert in International Cooperation Directorate, PANTERA Advisory Board member).
PAN European Technology Energy Research Approach (PANTERA) is an EU H2020 project aimed at setting up a European forum composed of Research & Innovation stakeholders active in the fields of smart grids, storage and local energy systems, including policy makers, standardisation bodies and experts in both research and academia, representing the EU energy system.
It is PANTERA's vision to create, through the planned multifunctional collaborative platform, a reference operational point to:
- Unify and harmonize European activity
- Incentivize further investments in smart grids
- Support access to exploitable results that can spark further work and cooperation.

Get in touch with us!
Find us as "PANTERA EIRIE Platform" on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.