PAN European Technology
Energy Research Approach
(PANTERA) is an EU H2020
project aimed at setting up
a European forum composed of
Research & Innovation stakeholders
active in the fields of smart
grids, storage and local energy
systems, including policy makers,
standardisation bodies and experts
in both research and academia,
representing the EU energy system.
It is PANTERA's vision to create,
through the EIRIE multi-functional
collaborative platform, a reference
operational point to unify European
activity, incentivize further
investments in smart grids and
support access to exploitable results
that can spark further cooperation
and bridge the existing gaps.
Developing an effective and functional
platform is a true collaborative effort.
Within PANTERA, several initiatives
have been put in place to ensure the
participation and collaboration of all
project stakeholders.
Indeed, working teams each tackling
specific research areas have been
created and Regional Desks have been
established to create a local network
and ensure regional issues and
aspects are taken into consideration.
Get in touch with us!
Find us as "PANTERA EIRIE Platform" on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.