Page 41 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2014
P. 41
Autumn 2014 European Energy Innovation 41


The supplier is a lighting At the end of the agreed fixed can offer all the advantages
contractor with competence in all period, the ownership of the of LEDs. Adoption of LEDs in
these areas. The customer is the Smart Lighting system reverts to lighting applications depends
building owner. Implementation the building owner who then pays on economics. Although greater
of a revenue-sharing plan can be for electrical consumption and efficiency offers costs savings to
used to achieve the installation maintenance. all users of LEDs, by far the most
of a Smart-Lighting system at no significant economic value comes
additional cost to the building The lighting contractor uses the from the additional functionality
owner. We give a simplified margin between the revenues of LEDs, because they can be
illustration of such a plan. received from the building owner programmed and controlled by
and his actual costs to pay for computer, and integrated into an
The building owner: the purchase and installation intelligent building environment.
• Pays the lighting contractor of the Smart Lighting system. This economic added value
Obviously, a successful business is most easily implemented
each year the entire budget negotiation requires a detailed in a commercial or industrial
for lighting (electrical knowledge of all the parameters environment. It is generated by
consumption, replacements, of the opportunity. Basically, the increased productivity of the
maintenance based on the building owner agrees to forego people who use these
performance of the existing a portion of the added-value buildings. l
system. These payments and revenue stream generated
continue, adjusted for inflation by Smart Lighting. In return,
for a fixed period, such as 10 he can lower his perceived risk
years. in the installation of a Smart
Lighting system. He avoids capital
The lighting contractor: expenditures financed by a bank
• Purchases and installs the loan, and does not have to wait
for the payback time to recover
Smart Lighting system. the investment.
• Pays the actual, but lower, costs
for lighting consumption and LED lighting opens the way to
maintenance with the Smart higher efficiency lighting with
Lighting in place. greater functionality. No other
• Receives additional payments existing lighting technology
from the building owner based
on the increased rental income
stream of the property.

Solid State Lighting has the potential to re-invent the lighting Contact details:
market and industry, leading to a paradigmatic shift in lighting. For
all European citizens – in fact for all mankind – the use of digitized Carlos Lee, Director General
light could bring a healthier, “natural” and more comfortable world, EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium
and, at the same time, a world where they could better fulfil their 14 Rue de la Science, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
daily activities, at home, school and work. The needs of an ageing Mobile: +32 473 300433
population could be served better, the cognitive development of the Email:
youth improved, and the alertness and performance of the working
population raised, because smart use of light has positive effects on
the well-being of men. For the Solid State Lighting owners the long
lifetime and energy efficiency will save money and reduce hassle.
Citizens will note that directly on their energy bill, the benefits of
employers will be more indirectly such as in increased productivity.
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