Page 37 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2015 publication
P. 37
Autumn 2015 European Energy Innovation 37
Screenshots from the MEISA tool
the security awareness of the These indicators are used to study report. For each method the
employees. An unexpected result summarize information related tool shows a short description,
revealed by this study is that the to the cost and time necessary advantages, disadvantages and
measurement of the actual level to design and implement the the comparison between the
of security awareness inside the method, the extension of the numerical values corresponding
organizations is less common. transmitted message, the active to the query and method’s
involvement of the end-user, the assessment indicators.
METHODS TO INCREASE time horizon effectiveness, etc.
AND MEASURE SECURITY This analysis has shown that some The methodology and tool is not
AWARENESS methods, even if very popular, necessarily addressed to Gas
To provide a concrete support to result to have little effectiveness. Infrastructure only. However, it has
the design of security awareness Other ones are easy and cheap been developed exclusively for
campaigns, 23 methods to to design and implement, but the members of GIE. Therefore,
increase (e.g. desktop message they are able to transmit very for the time being, it is available
and screen saver, poster, security limited contents or their effects to members only. ●
day etc.) and 11 methods to tend to vanish in a relatively
measure security awareness short time. Conversely, there are Contact details:
(e.g. interview, post-training initiatives that require a strong
test, walkabout etc.) have been involvement for the design and Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE)
analysed. the implementation, but are able Avenue de Cortenbergh, 100
to effectively increase the security 1000 Brussels
All these methods cover a awareness in the organization. Belgium
complete description of each Tel: +32 2 2090500
method, its advantages and THE MEISA TOOL Fax: +32 2 2090501
disadvantages, best practices The MEISA Tool software has Email:
and – if available – examples. been developed in order to Web:
Moreover, a set of assessment support practitioners. Once
indicators and descriptors chosen requirements through
has been utilized to yield a a set of parameters, the tool
quantitative evaluation of the searches the best-fitting methods
method’s performance. among those illustrated in the
Screenshots from the MEISA tool
the security awareness of the These indicators are used to study report. For each method the
employees. An unexpected result summarize information related tool shows a short description,
revealed by this study is that the to the cost and time necessary advantages, disadvantages and
measurement of the actual level to design and implement the the comparison between the
of security awareness inside the method, the extension of the numerical values corresponding
organizations is less common. transmitted message, the active to the query and method’s
involvement of the end-user, the assessment indicators.
METHODS TO INCREASE time horizon effectiveness, etc.
AND MEASURE SECURITY This analysis has shown that some The methodology and tool is not
AWARENESS methods, even if very popular, necessarily addressed to Gas
To provide a concrete support to result to have little effectiveness. Infrastructure only. However, it has
the design of security awareness Other ones are easy and cheap been developed exclusively for
campaigns, 23 methods to to design and implement, but the members of GIE. Therefore,
increase (e.g. desktop message they are able to transmit very for the time being, it is available
and screen saver, poster, security limited contents or their effects to members only. ●
day etc.) and 11 methods to tend to vanish in a relatively
measure security awareness short time. Conversely, there are Contact details:
(e.g. interview, post-training initiatives that require a strong
test, walkabout etc.) have been involvement for the design and Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE)
analysed. the implementation, but are able Avenue de Cortenbergh, 100
to effectively increase the security 1000 Brussels
All these methods cover a awareness in the organization. Belgium
complete description of each Tel: +32 2 2090500
method, its advantages and THE MEISA TOOL Fax: +32 2 2090501
disadvantages, best practices The MEISA Tool software has Email:
and – if available – examples. been developed in order to Web:
Moreover, a set of assessment support practitioners. Once
indicators and descriptors chosen requirements through
has been utilized to yield a a set of parameters, the tool
quantitative evaluation of the searches the best-fitting methods
method’s performance. among those illustrated in the