Page 65 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2015 publication
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Autumn 2015 European Energy Innovation 65
Plenary Overview at Bonn Climate Change Conference ©UNclimatechange CC BY 2.0
a cost of Euro112/MwH in 2023, 40% reduction on the table, China meeting as a key technology that
when the cost of solar is 34 per will cut its CO2 emissions per unit can be utilised to deliver the CO2
cent cheaper today. of gross domestic product by reductions needed. Providing a
60-65% from 2005 levels and the platform for the technologies of
You would also need to spend US has offered 28% reductions in the future will give the people of
trillions of Euros on nuclear CO2 emissions on 2005 levels by the world an opportunity to beat
to gain the same level of CO2 2025. Now all these pledges have climate change, without incurring
reduction as provided by to be turned into a legally binding huge cost. It would also trigger
renewables for a fraction of the global agreement in Paris, to lock an energy transition which could
cost. It therefore makes no sense in the opportunities of a carbon provide for new jobs in clean
to invest public money in a costly free power system and to offer industries. The sustainability of
power source. Already in 2014 any prospect of avoiding the solar is clear and action in Paris in
renewables produced more worst consequences of climate December will go a long way to
electricity than nuclear power in change. The International Energy making sure that we can create a
Europe, so again political leaders Agency has called for a credible sustainable future for us all. l
should be looking to invest in the emissions reduction target to
renewable technologies of the make sure that investments are Authors:
future, rather than supporting a driven into technologies like solar.
technology of the past. James Watson and Kristina Thoring
While it may be difficult to gain SolarPower Europe
So this leaves the question of a legally binding agreement, Rue d’Arlon 69-71 – B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
what should happen in COP21. the solutions are available to the Tel: +32 2 709 55 26/+32 2 709 55 20
We need more ambitious pledges global leaders. Grasping these Fax: +32 2 725 32 50
to come in from the key countries, solutions will allow global leaders Email:
responsible for CO2 emissions. to succeed in Paris. Solar should Web:
The European Union is putting a be recognised at the COP21
Plenary Overview at Bonn Climate Change Conference ©UNclimatechange CC BY 2.0
a cost of Euro112/MwH in 2023, 40% reduction on the table, China meeting as a key technology that
when the cost of solar is 34 per will cut its CO2 emissions per unit can be utilised to deliver the CO2
cent cheaper today. of gross domestic product by reductions needed. Providing a
60-65% from 2005 levels and the platform for the technologies of
You would also need to spend US has offered 28% reductions in the future will give the people of
trillions of Euros on nuclear CO2 emissions on 2005 levels by the world an opportunity to beat
to gain the same level of CO2 2025. Now all these pledges have climate change, without incurring
reduction as provided by to be turned into a legally binding huge cost. It would also trigger
renewables for a fraction of the global agreement in Paris, to lock an energy transition which could
cost. It therefore makes no sense in the opportunities of a carbon provide for new jobs in clean
to invest public money in a costly free power system and to offer industries. The sustainability of
power source. Already in 2014 any prospect of avoiding the solar is clear and action in Paris in
renewables produced more worst consequences of climate December will go a long way to
electricity than nuclear power in change. The International Energy making sure that we can create a
Europe, so again political leaders Agency has called for a credible sustainable future for us all. l
should be looking to invest in the emissions reduction target to
renewable technologies of the make sure that investments are Authors:
future, rather than supporting a driven into technologies like solar.
technology of the past. James Watson and Kristina Thoring
While it may be difficult to gain SolarPower Europe
So this leaves the question of a legally binding agreement, Rue d’Arlon 69-71 – B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
what should happen in COP21. the solutions are available to the Tel: +32 2 709 55 26/+32 2 709 55 20
We need more ambitious pledges global leaders. Grasping these Fax: +32 2 725 32 50
to come in from the key countries, solutions will allow global leaders Email:
responsible for CO2 emissions. to succeed in Paris. Solar should Web:
The European Union is putting a be recognised at the COP21