Page 11 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 11

Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation     11


the shadow rapporteur’s should be           NEXT STEPS                                 on building a viable solution that can
applauded on this specific file.            The Non-Road Mobile Machinery              be supported by all actors. A divided
                                            Regulation may be finally adopted, but     civil society creates confusion amongst
As an organisation, FEPORT has              we now need to ensure that the spirit      policy makers and, ultimately, may be
supported the adoption of this              of the regulation is carried through       ignored or misinterpreted.
Regulation. As responsible operators,       in implementation. For instance, the
FEPORT members realise that we              regulation delegates to Member States      As an organisation, FEPORT is
needed legislation to ensure that we        a number of transitional provisions.       committed to supporting future
would have a systematic greening of         Member States have a responsibility to     environmental initiatives that look to
all port equipment via strict engine        ensure that these transitional provisions  respect both environmental needs and
standards. That being said, this does not   are introduced in as harmonised a          the competitiveness of EU industries.
mean FEPORT did not have concerns           manner as possible.                        We are hopeful that our partners in civil
with the Commission’s initial proposal.                                                society will engage in discussions in a
                                            For instance, most transitional            proactive and cooperative manner and
Within FEPORT, we believe that there        measures are allowed for “up to” a         that policy makers will follow the good
is a differentiation between concerns       certain period of time, which Member       examples set out during the legislative
and opposition. As an organisation, we      States have authority to decide upon.      cycle of the Non-Road Mobile
have looked to address these concerns       For instance, the regulation allows for    Machinery Regulation. l
head-on in a pro-active manner with         replacement engines to continue to
other institutional actors and relevant     be placed on the market for up to 20
organisations.                              years. Member States need to ensure
                                            that we do not end up with 28 different
As industries, it is important that         transitional periods which would lead
we adopt pro-active approaches to           to different engines classes being
environmental legislation because           available in different Member States,
additional costs of implementation          which would go completely against the
over a number of years may bring            idea of a European single market.
profitability over the long term, but also
grant early movers a real competitive       LESSONS LEARNT
advantage. On this file, not only           The best way to ensure that there
FEPORT, but other industries have           is a broad consensus for the
adopted such a view which allowed           implementation of legislation is an
for discussions to be carried out in a      open consultation process, as had
constructive manner.                        been the case with the Non-Road
                                            Mobile Machinery Regulation. By
Environmental organisations must also       opening up to the views of those
be applauded for adopting a pragmatic       directly affected by the legislation,
approach that did not look to relegate      and taking these views on board in
industry concerns to secondary status.      the finalisation process, support can
From FEPORT’s perspective, we found         be won across a civil society which can
all environmental organisations which       also be better prepared for the impact
we discussed with to be open and            of said legislation.
sympathetic to the real concerns which
industries raised.                          That being said, civil society can only
                                            be expected to have a guiding role
In our view, the pragmatic and              if it is willing to be proactive. All too
proactive approach adopted by civil         often, civil society can be accused of
society, joint with the diligent work of    being too reactive and negative, or too
the rapporteur, lead to the unanimous       dogmatic in its approach. Too often, the
support which manifested in the             emphasis is on “what can we achieve
European Parliament.                        for our sector” rather than focusing
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