Page 26 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 26
26 Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation
Small scale LNG, the dutch approach
By Robert Govaers (pictured)
The Dutch National LNG Platform was established in 2012 in launched. The system will grant
conjunction with the ‘Rhine and Wadden Green Deal’. Its primary goal cleaner and quieter vehicles the
is to support the development of a new market for LNG and to use privilege of having better access
that as a transport fuel for trucks, barges and short sea vessels. and better delivery slots for city
‘Green Deals’ are aimed at stimulating sustainable economic growth.
They can be achieved by eradicating bottlenecks (regulations, laws, TASKFORCE 3 – SHIPPING
permits), activating cooperation or by helping to source funds, in • The first activity was to gain
order to realize the necessary plans.
a systematic overview of the
This goal would be achieved through close cooperation with the current limitations but also of the
relevant governmental bodies and by eliminating as many regulatory opportunities for LNG propelled
and other policy-related obstacles as possible. It could also be vessels. This has helped to define
achieved by bringing together market parties to jointly develop new the focus for the taskforce.
supply systems and to stimulate as many end-users as possible to
choose LNG for their trucks and vessels. • Financing is the first market concern
for LNG ships. Many banks are
Who are we and what the safety procedures and know hesitating to fund the re-engineering
do we do to achieve where their responsibilities lie. of ships that consider the use LNG.
the implementation Although the business case is in
of small scale LNG in • A safety design communication plan. principle valid, it is not clear to
the Netherlands. An introduction to On the basis of previous activities a everyone that using LNG for ships is
the Dutch LNG platform and the 6 task communication plan will be set up in a suitable alternative. So funding is
forces that started up in 2012. order to ensure that all information is now the key to market development.
adequately dealt with and integrated
TASKFORCE 1 - SAFETY AND into the existing procedures. • In order to develop the LNG market
REGULATION for ships it is important to have
The taskforce is organized around TASKFORCE 2 – TRUCKS clear objectives with regard to the
topics that are safety related. The • The first activity is focused on the requirements and the enforcement
following issues are addressed: of such requirements. Both have
business case. It is important to to be perfectly clear so that ship
• The safety measures linked to the make sure that the LNG framework owners can have an accurate idea of
transport and distribution of LNG. continues to be workable. what the future holds. Unless there
The constraints linked to LNG is clarity they will be uncertain about
distribution by road / rail. • Incentives and subsidies. On the investing. The advantage of LNG
one hand we must map the current with regard to Sox is that it offers
• The implementation of a knowledge opportunities for incentives and opportunities in the Seca area.
safety program in cooperation with subsidies and make that publicly
all the stakeholders involved. available whilst on the other hand • Probably the most important aspect
the Taskforce will have to endeavor when developing LNG for ships’
• The mapping of safety to make LNG fit in with existing engines has to do with methane slip.
responsibilities between different incentives and subsidy schemes. Ships can often be equipped with
organizations so that if problems dual fuel engines. The advantage
arise all organization are aware of • In 2014, the Green Deal Zero is that these kinds of engines can
Emission for City Distribution was also be used in areas where there