Page 4 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 4
Intelligent Transport Systems -
a Tool or a Toy?
Technologies for seamless, people-focused transport systems in cities and city regions are
already out there. So why are integrated ITS solutions still the exception rather than the rule?
Focusing on autonomous driving and mobility as a service, the event is bringing together
experts involved in research networks, the European Research Area (ERA) Chair for ITS,
national policy makers and European Commission representatives. They will be looking
into how research is shaping ITS public policy in Europe and how industry – and particularly
SMEs – can make sustainable solutions happen and drive innovation in the cities of the future.
Join the only debate on intelligent transport systems under the auspices of the Slovak
Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Due to limited seating, registrations are handled on a first come, first served basis.
Programme coming soon at
Registration at
22-23 November 2016 • Hotel Holiday Inn, Žilina, Slovakia • #ITStoolortoy
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