Page 11 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2015 publication
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Spring 2015 European Energy Innovation 11


Environmental compliance and
economic performance can shake hands

The EU’s circular economy, greater energy self-sufficiency and promoting energy and climate goals are
placing greater demands on today’s society. New power generation technology makes it possible to
balance environmental compliance with economic performance.

Using fossil fuels in efficiency in power generation, emissions. They generate both heat
energy production lowers emissions and generates a and electricity, are locally available
is becoming more refined product (product gas). In and benefit the local economy.
challenging due to addition, the fuel used is sorted
their effect on climate change. waste, thus promoting a higher With today’s technology, biomass
Another major challenge is the rate of recycling. can replace coal in coal-fired
ever-increasing amount of waste plants. For example, Vaskiluodon
and how to handle waste streams Now that the EU is making Voima started up the world’s
sustainably. decisions about the circular largest biomass gasification plant
economy and revising the waste in Vaasa, Finland, in 2013. The
Waste used to be a problem framework directive, it should be company has been able to cut CO2
but is now a valuable fuel. promoting new and more efficient emissions by around 230,000 tons
One ton of combustible waste technologies to enter the market per year with the 140 MW plant.
contains the energy equivalent of instead of hindering progress.
approximately 300 liters of crude USE OF WASTE AND BIOFUELS
oil. Air pollution and the issue of In addition to high energy TO REDUCE EMISSIONS
hazardous emissions connected efficiency, gasification provides These two cases feature Valmet’s
to combustion have basically other benefits, too. In Lahti, a technology. During the past ten
been eliminated by modern new supply chain has been born years, Valmet has delivered more
environmental technology. around waste. Fuel payments than 13 GWth of boiler capacity
have created a new market for that utilizes renewable fuels and
MORE EFFICIENCY AND fuel preparation, and the quality reduces emissions associated
ADDED VALUE FROM WASTE of SRF has improved. Tighter with fossil-fuel-fired boilers.
THROUGHOUT THE WASTE quality control benefits other
STREAM SRF users as well, for example, This CO2 neutral energy
material recycling. Operations production has helped avoid
Innovative waste-fueled energy have created approximately 100 40 million tons of greenhouse
generation can be found, for new jobs in the supply chain. gas emissions annually,
example, in Lahti, Finland. In corresponding to emissions from
2012, Lahti Energy Ltd. started up ROLE OF BIOMASS INCREASING over 24 million cars. l
the world’s first gasification power In addition to waste, local
plant running purely on solid renewable fuels, such as various Read more about Valmet’s technology solutions
recovered fuel (SRF) to produce biomasses, are an economically on
50 MW of electricity and 90 MW viable way to reduce greenhouse
of district heat. By replacing coal
with SRF, the company has been Photo: Lahti Energia
able to significantly cut its CO2
emissions. According to Lahti
Energy, gasification is the most
energy-efficient way to utilize waste.

In the present waste hierarchy,
gasification stands at the same
stage as traditional waste
incineration, regardless of the fact
that it features unrivaled benefits.
Gasification almost doubles the
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