Page 32 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2015 publication
P. 32
Spring 2015 European Energy Innovation
ARTEMIS and Smart Energy
Between 2008 and public funding for industrial get infinitely more complicated
2014, the ARTEMIS research are not new; ARTEMIS when such control systems
Joint Undertaking and its sister organisation ENIAC need to be scaled up. Not only
launched 56 Research, brought a new dimension of does the technology itself get
Development and Innovation scale and “European footprint” by more complicated, other tertiary
projects that study and implement promoting a “think big” attitude considerations quickly come into
“embedded systems”. Financed in terms of project impact. Also, play, including any “emergent
by a three-way funding model recognising that “taxpayer value phenomena” (“bugs” to most
(roughly half from the industrial for money” is important, these people), or issues around the
and academic partners in the projects need to show awareness interoperability of equipment
projects, the other half from both of their contribution and positive from different suppliers in
EU and National funding sources) impact for (EU) society in general. different parts of the chain. To
and using a Public-Private Which they do. One such domain address these, new and more
Partnership collaboration model, where the fruits of embedded extensive approaches to the
the programme has proven to be systems research can lead to science, to the development
well tuned to getting scientific solutions for society’s concerns is and to the deployment are
ideas – in this case concerning the in the rational use of energy. needed, and it is here that
development of software that is larger-scale ARTEMIS projects
“hidden” inside the plethora of Of course, developing some show their true worth: creating
devices that surround us in our hardware and writing some the architectures, the tools and
daily lives – into real practical use software that can more precisely the business environment in
and ready to generate significant control the temperature of a which such solutions can be
added value, both financial and room or even optimise part deployed in economically and
through other benefits to the of a production flow may not socially responsible ways. One
user. Instruments that provide exactly be rocket science, things such example is the ARTEMIS
“Arrowhead” project (www.
Fig. 1. The Arrowhead holistic view: a platform Arrowhead address efficient
to integrate energy saving services over a and sensible energy use in four
broad range of users. application domains, production,
electro-mobility, smart buildings,
energy distribution, illustrated in
figure 1.
These application areas today
use a diverse mix of technologies
to solve local optimisation of
energy use. This currently hinders
larger scale and cross application,
cross technology optimisation
due to the complex and costly
engineering efforts necessary
to achieve this with today’s
The much highlighted Internet
of Things (“IoT”) provides an
ARTEMIS and Smart Energy
Between 2008 and public funding for industrial get infinitely more complicated
2014, the ARTEMIS research are not new; ARTEMIS when such control systems
Joint Undertaking and its sister organisation ENIAC need to be scaled up. Not only
launched 56 Research, brought a new dimension of does the technology itself get
Development and Innovation scale and “European footprint” by more complicated, other tertiary
projects that study and implement promoting a “think big” attitude considerations quickly come into
“embedded systems”. Financed in terms of project impact. Also, play, including any “emergent
by a three-way funding model recognising that “taxpayer value phenomena” (“bugs” to most
(roughly half from the industrial for money” is important, these people), or issues around the
and academic partners in the projects need to show awareness interoperability of equipment
projects, the other half from both of their contribution and positive from different suppliers in
EU and National funding sources) impact for (EU) society in general. different parts of the chain. To
and using a Public-Private Which they do. One such domain address these, new and more
Partnership collaboration model, where the fruits of embedded extensive approaches to the
the programme has proven to be systems research can lead to science, to the development
well tuned to getting scientific solutions for society’s concerns is and to the deployment are
ideas – in this case concerning the in the rational use of energy. needed, and it is here that
development of software that is larger-scale ARTEMIS projects
“hidden” inside the plethora of Of course, developing some show their true worth: creating
devices that surround us in our hardware and writing some the architectures, the tools and
daily lives – into real practical use software that can more precisely the business environment in
and ready to generate significant control the temperature of a which such solutions can be
added value, both financial and room or even optimise part deployed in economically and
through other benefits to the of a production flow may not socially responsible ways. One
user. Instruments that provide exactly be rocket science, things such example is the ARTEMIS
“Arrowhead” project (www.
Fig. 1. The Arrowhead holistic view: a platform Arrowhead address efficient
to integrate energy saving services over a and sensible energy use in four
broad range of users. application domains, production,
electro-mobility, smart buildings,
energy distribution, illustrated in
figure 1.
These application areas today
use a diverse mix of technologies
to solve local optimisation of
energy use. This currently hinders
larger scale and cross application,
cross technology optimisation
due to the complex and costly
engineering efforts necessary
to achieve this with today’s
The much highlighted Internet
of Things (“IoT”) provides an