Page 31 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2016 publication
P. 31
Spring 2016 European Energy Innovation 31
on "sustainable urban mobility". combination of resource-efficient a "2030 climate & transport package"
Considering that 70% of GHG for solutions and Intelligent Transport setting key targets such as: 30% cut
transport are produced in urban areas, Systems (ITS). On the first hand, we in greenhouse gas emissions (from
setting the rules and the objectives need to find a way to better support 2010 levels), +30% of energy from
for a better urban mobility turns out research about electric vehicles, renewables, 30% improvement in
to be a giant step. I am also proud hydrogen-powered vehicles, including developing bike tracks and 30% for
that we passed a text which was well- those using methane reforming, multimodality. Whatever happens, I will
balanced between various aspects of natural gas vehicles, hybrid vehicles, pay a peculiar attention to it and will
sustainable mobility: economic, social, LPG vehicles and eliminate fossil be pushing for ambitious objectives.
climate, air quality and security aspects fuel and diesel from subsided
were all combined. For instance, we economy. On the second hand, if ITS To finish with, I believe that the Juncker
recognised, on an equal footing with is developing as well as it's expected plan could play a key role in financing
fuel poverty, that sustainable mobility to be, there will be a twist in people's sustainable urban transport and
poverty is a major social issue to tackle mind. Solo car will no longer be an infrastructure projects I and call the
when it comes to transport. option if real-time traffic facilitates Commission and the Member States
access to public transport and makes to increase their financial support for
Unfortunately, urban mobility is not in life simpler. sustainable urban mobility projects,
the scope of competence of the EU. It to ensure the necessary synergies
means that the European parliament Another aspect that is going to show between the various funding sources
only had a brief window of opportunity up very soon is the sharing economy and programmes, and to develop links
to endorse and speed up this topic. for moblity. I put this subject on top of between urban mobility, the new Digital
But we count on local governments my list. There is an obvious benefit to Agenda and the Energy Union. l
in making it a priority. They proved it get from ride-sharing and carpooling
during the COP21 when 700 mayors platforms because it helps reduce
of big cities around the world took the traffic jams and emissions per person.
resolution to reach 100% of renewable At the meantime, we are facing this
energy for 2050. If urban planification new challenge of organising a new
lies in their hand, Europe can help market, regulating competition,
funding platforms for exchanges of protecting consumer's privacy and
experience, leading studies on time security, protecting independent
policy (teleworking, ICT technologies workers, protecting startup creators
and teleconferencing) to improve and finding a way to make professional
business mobility, prescribing models users contribute their intensive use
for new areas accessible only to public of public infrastructures. All these
transport, bicycles, pedestrians, zero- questions will be on the table in the
emission vehicles, car sharing and forthcoming months.
carpooling and also smart access for
the last kilometer, etc. As you may see, On these matters, one should reach a
the field of investigation is infinite. Sky climax at the end of the year when the
is the limit. European Commission (EC) is going
to give a communication about their
Regarding innovation and new regulation proposal on decarbonation
technologies, a low-carbon economy of transports. I wish the EC would be
in transport depends on a subtle more ambitious, putting on the table