Page 50 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2016 publication
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50 Spring 2016 European Energy Innovation
Intelligent Fast Interconnected and Efficient devices for Frontier
Exploitation in Research and Industry
INFIERI is an inter-disciplinary and 3. The use of advanced technology are made possible. Key to
multi-national network, aimed Silicon sensors and Silicon success is: strong collaboration among
to train young physicists and photomultipliers technology with partners from Academics and High-
engineers in developing, designing advanced data processing for Tech Institutes and Firms
and managing intelligent devices and Astrophysics, Particle Physics and
tools for cutting-edge applications in Positron Emission Tomography in • WP3 on New Data Transmission
the fields of Astrophysics, Particle Medicine. Technologies for the transfer of data
Physics, Medical Physics, and from detector modules to the far-end
Telecommunications, also exploiting The research and R&D are arranged processors, with high-rate and high
their technological spin-offs and cross- around Workpackages WP’s among speed data transfer conditions, in
field synergies. which: harsh environments, are vital to future
experiments and a number of real-life
The network gathers leading • WP1 on Intelligent Front-End (on- applications:
academic institutes, European instrument) Processing,
laboratories (NIKHEF, RAL), high-tech For developing advanced signal WP3 targets unprecedented transfer
companies (PHILIPS, THALES) as full processing on the Front End Readout rates with low mass, radiation hard
partners. Associated partners in Europe Electronics (FEE) on-detector for devices, novel optical wireless
(CERN, several leading companies and Astrophysics, High Energy Physics communication, and, given the
Universities), the USA (FNAL, Purdue (HEP) and Medical Imaging Instruments large number of data links, their
University, Tezzaron Semiconductor) for performing, in sometimes very interconnectivity.
and Korea (Seoul National University, harsh conditions, an efficient data
SAMSUNG SAIT) bring advanced reduction and selection, based on • WP4 on Massive Parallel & High
and complementary scientific and a real time understanding of the Performance Computing
technological expertise. Physics and diagnoses.
This early stage decision making The High Level Trigger of a large area
The Research & Training program is implies major technological telescope system will combine and
focused on specific case applications, breakthroughs, in the Front-End appropriately handle the information
which require innovative technical Electronics circuits based on advanced from all the individual components
solutions for an extremely fast microelectronics that process the (telescopes) of the network. Innovative
on-instrument signal processing, a signals from Silicon PM’s (SiPMs) and aspect for the Medical application
proficient event selection phase, an Silicon sensors all based on most includes a high level processing to
efficient transmission and a final step advanced technologies. treat the information delivered by the
of high-level data filtering: these are highly pixelated Imaging device. HEP
the goals of the Research & Training of • WP2 on R&D and Applications of Level 1 Trigger will require matching
INFIERI. New Interconnect Technologies with the charged tracks with the calorimeter
the development of 3D vertically or the muon system information
The three main applications on which interconnected devices, enabling for identifying peculiar features of
the INFIERI program is focused are: extreme compactness and very high interesting Physics processes. It implies
speed for future CMOS architectures. developing and testing the use of new
1. The new ways to exploit the 3D Integration can create intelligent advanced technology for processing in
tracking system information detectors and data processing real time huge amount of data.
in real-time trigger filters for elements with unprecedented
exploring New Physics in the harsh capabilities. This WP is closely related to Massive
environment of the Large Hadron Parallel Computing developments
Collider (LHC) at CERN, running A new intimate mixing of (hardware & firmware) and to
at the highest luminosity in the next technologies, achievable only within 3D Advanced Telecommunications
decade. integrated circuits, permits per-pixel Computing Architecture (ATCA).
processing and evaluation circuitry
2. The next largest terrestrial that reduces power and increases The INFIERI project aims maintaining
telescopes array data systems, detector sensitivity. Europe leadership, at the forefront
made of numerous detectors spread of the top research fields and high
over kilometres, for Astrophysics. Entirely new advances in detector technology domains it addresses. l