Page 56 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2016 publication
P. 56
56 Spring 2016 European Energy Innovation
Medieval town of Ferrara
The following examples of energy • Copenhagen, Denmark These 4 examples provide a sneak
recovery from residual waste in Europe From 2017 a new WtE plant in peek of the level of technology that
can help illustrate in practice how the Copenhagen will substitute a this sector aims to reach in the future.
WtE sector provides clean and useful 45-year-old plant, treating around Energy efficiency has a key role in EU
energy to the neighbour municipalities 400,000 tonnes of waste annually decarbonisation of the power sector,
and industries, while at the same and supplying a minimum of 50,000 and should be enhanced through new
time plays a crucial role in the waste households with electricity and efficient district heating and cooling
management 120,000 households with district infrastructure, the development of
heating. Through an innovative high efficiency cogeneration and
• Vaanta, Finland water-cooled grate furnace, and the use of heating and cooling from
In the city of Vaanta the new WtE high steam parameters (440°C available waste and renewable energy
plant, operational since September / 70 bar) it will reduce the NOx sources. l
2014, was developed with an emissions by 95% and will double
innovative technology. In the plant, the electrical efficiency of the CEWEP (Confederation of European
that covers 30% of the electricity former plant. In addition to the Waste-to-Energy Plants) is the
demand of the city and 50% of the technological merits, the plant´s umbrella association of the owners
district heat, the steam produced in architecture includes a roof-wide and operators of Waste-to-Energy
two grate boilers is superheated by artificial ski slope open to the plants (waste incineration with
the remaining heat of the exhaust public. energy recovery) across Europe.
gases of a gas turbine. This way CEWEP’s members are committed
the steam can reach higher values • ‘ECLUSE’, Flanders to ensuring high environmental
of thermodynamics parameter “Ecluse”, French for ‘sluice’, was standards, achieving low emissions
optimizing the efficiency of the chosen as the name for the and maintaining state of the art
thermal conversion and reducing Waasland Port heating network energy production from remaining
the corrosion of the boiler pipes at because superheated steam will waste that cannot be recycled in a
the same time. be sluiced from three WtE plants sustainable way.
to companies in the port. The
• Ferrara, Italy 5-km long pipelines will have a Contact details:
In the medieval town of Ferrara, capacity of 110 MW and will be laid CEWEP
the WtE plant is connected to the partly underground, partly above Confederation of European Waste-
56-km DH network, together with a ground. By connecting to the to-Energy Plants
geothermal plant and a natural gas heating network, the participating Avenue de Tervuren 113
boiler. The WtE plant’s management companies will be able to replace B-1040 Brussels
is developed in order to adapt their gas-fired boilers entirely or Tel: +32 2 770 63 12
to seasonal changes: during hot in part. The annual CO2 emissions Fax: +32 2 770 68 14
periods, when heat demand is avoided will be approximately e-mail:
low, the electricity production is 100,000 tonnes (same
maximised; during winter the focus environmental saving that would
shifts to maximise heat recovery. come from using 50 standard 2.3
The average yearly contribution of MW wind turbines). The whole
WtE to the network is around 40% ambitious project will additionally
and the energy produced helped to cover 0.8% of Belgian electricity
achieve fossil fuel savings of around demand.
238 GWh/y.