Page 38 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2017 publication
P. 38

38  Spring 2017 European Energy Innovation


Interview with Kristian Ruby,

Kristian Ruby took the helm                 need of a level playing field, as well as     DSOs are increasingly dealing with
               of EURELECTRIC at a time     proposals to ensure that energy prices        cross-border issues, whether it is
               when Europe’s electricity    truly reflect scarcity situations. We         data standards, storage or redispatch.
               market is embarking on a     were also pleased to see the common           They are all facing the same
major transformation. Kristian is Danish    principles for the design of support          challenges: the same new customer
and he joined EURELECTRIC from Wind         schemes and the acknowledgement               expectations, and the same investors.
Europe, where he served as Chief Policy     of the prominence of distribution             Not to mention the same EU-level
Officer. Kristian provided us with his      system operators (DSOs) in the energy         policies: The Clean Energy Package
views on his priorities, the Clean Energy   transition.                                   suggests a new representative body
Package and the upcoming challenges
facing the sector.                          Q What do you think still needs to
                                                   change in the Clean Energy
Q You took the helm of                      Package? What will EURELECTRIC
       EURELECTRIC in January 2017.         focus on?
What are your immediate priorities          We expected the Clean Energy Package
for EURELECTRIC?                            to show more consistency, not only
I would like to unite the sector around     between the climate and energy targets,
a new vision for the future. Sector         but also on market design. One issue
coupling and decarbonisation will be        that needs calibration is in relation to the
my main priorities. For me, electricity     adequacy assessment meant to assess
is the energy carrier of the energy         the need for a capacity mechanism.
transition and I believe there are huge     While, we support the move to introduce
business opportunities for our industry     a regional adequacy assessment to
in this societal transformation.            inform Member States decisions before
                                            any capacity mechanism can be set up,
The Clean Energy Package, presented         we don’t agree that ENTSO-E should
by the European Commission last             have the sole responsibility of carrying
year, provides a business case for          out all these assessments. Individual
investments in the energy system of         Member States are well-positioned to
the future. In this context, we would like  apply the methodology once it has been
to see a reform of the ETS system and       developed.
further progress on the electrification of
the transport sector.                       ENTSO-E should do an adequacy
                                            assessment at the European level to
Q Speaking about the Clean                  provide the overall view, but this should
       Energy Package, how do you           only be one perspective in informing
assess the package from a current           decisions to be put in place for capacity
perspective? What do you agree with?        markets.
EURELECTRIC was pleased with the
content of the Clean Energy Package.        Q You mentioned before the
The publications underpin market                   prominence of DSOs in the
integration and the removal of some         energy transition. What is going on
regulatory interventions, which distort     in Brussels that DSOs should know
market functioning. The EU was in           about?

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