Page 5 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2017 publication
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Spring 2017 European Energy Innovation 5
The publishers of European Energy Foreword
Innovation would like to offer their
sincere thanks to all individuals and Welcome to the Spring edition of the magazine. Since the last issue, Holland,
organisations who have contributed Germany and France have become distracted by election fever, while Greece
editorial images photos and illustrations remains stubbornly mired in economic difficulty. Meanwhile, the European
to the magazine. Whilst every effort Parliament has welcomed a new President and there is speculation that the
has been made to ensure accuracy Commission will do so, too – bringing about a revolution in Brussels, according
of the content, the publishers of to Italy’s ‘La Repubblica’, which even goes on to name the Finn Jyrki Katainen
European Energy Innovation accept no as likely successor to Jean-Claude Juncker. Such uncertainty must not deflect
responsibility for errors or omissions. Europe’s policymakers from the ever-present threat posed by climate change.
The contents of European Energy Praising the resilience of Europe’s forests, Emma Berglund reminds us of their
Innovation are protected by copyright. role in decarbonizing Europe. She points out that although Sweden’s forests are
managed for many purposes, the value of the bioenergy they produce is much
All rights reserved. less than that of the sawn timber, which highlights the potential for domestically-
sourced biomass. She also argues that policymakers should support the role of
European Energy Innovation is wood in the transition to a fossil-free bioeconomy.
published by:
Prologue Media Ltd Andreea Strachinescu examines how the complex nature of the European energy
1a Shire Lane system has been further complicated by the rapid growth in (variable) renewables
Chorleywood generation. In her excellent article, she argues that the resulting pressures,
Hertfordshire WD3 5NQ particularly on the electricity network, create the need for a forward-looking
United Kingdom energy policy; and provide a strong argument for Energy Storage technologies.
This is particularly so if interconnection does not create enough flexibility in
Tel: +44 1923 286238 supply; and particularly important in the context of security of energy supply.
Dr. Eecen illustrates some of the technological developments driving the offshore
To obtain additional copies please email wind industry. ECN Wind Energy, he tells us, is a group of experts “focusing on offshore wind energy cost reduction and engaging in numerous collaborative
research programmes” - which provides the bridge between academia and
EDITOR industry. It is salutary to contrast the growth in the generating capacity of turbines
Michael Edmund with reduction in the cost of the electricity they generate.
Water: at present, Europeans can take this basic resource for granted, but Gérard
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Bonnis of the OECD suggests that the “outlook is grim”, with global demand rising
Philip Beausire by more than 50% within thirty years, leading to severe water stress for nearly 4 billion people worldwide. He discusses water risks, such as those associated with
major floods or droughts and an approach to managing them, concluding with
HEAD OF BRUSSELS OFFICE a suggestion to define water as an issue in terms of risk, so uniting the scientists,
Sophia Silvert policymakers and the world of business.
Mob: +32 4737 30322 Increasing climate scepticism and regulatory complexity are just two of the issues
hampering efforts to decarbonise maritime transport, according to a thoughtful
DESIGN & PRODUCTION article by Michele Acciaro. Professor Acciaro nevertheless sets out a clear rationale for such efforts: maritime transport is a substantial contributor to global
emissions and shipping emission reductions are far behind those required to
WEBSITE DESIGN meet 2050 emission targets. He calls for a clear and decisive regulatory response and for additional resources to be invested in the sector.
PRINT Echoing these themes, Jos Delbeke from the Commission highlights the potential
The Magazine Printing Company, for shipping to make a significant contribution to global efforts to fight climate
Enfield, Middlesex, United Kingdom change. Emphasising COP21 commitments to limiting emissions to combat
climate change, he discusses the need for further effort in the sector, concluding that any strategy must clearly define emission reduction objectives for the mid-
and longer term.
So there is uncertainty and there is potential. And there is much more for you to
read inside…
Michael Edmund