Page 63 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2017 publication
P. 63
Spring 2017 European Energy Innovation 63
building mechanisms have been put But there are (few) good examples I would conclude by quoting Peter
in place to manage water but few use to follow. In Pilbara, a vast desert Bakker, President and CEO of the
risks as entry point. Yet this would region in Western Australia (see World Business Council on Sustainable
allow a constructive dialogue between photo), a risk matrix allows managing Development, in his statement at the
parties well aware of their own risk. tradeoffs between groundwater uses Stockholm Water Week 2013, “I would
while protecting aquifer integrity. suggest defining water as an issue in
Bad practices are plentiful. Putting The acceptable level of groundwater terms of risk. The scientists can give
irrigation interest first has led to the abstraction is set considering us risk indicators, the policy makers
shrinking of the Aral Sea, once the 4th tradeoffs between the risks to can define water in terms of risk and
largest inland sea, due to massive water environmental, cultural and social business people are trained to do
pumping in its feed rivers. Conga, groundwater-dependent values (“in nothing but measure, manage and act
potentially the largest single mining situ values”) and the opportunity cost on risks. That would combine us.” l
investment in Peru’s history, was halted of not abstracting water for use in
by lack of knowledge on water risks; mining, the main economic activity Contact details:
the project would turn several small in Pilbara (“development risk”). Gérard Bonnis
Andean lakes into reservoirs or tailing The maximum allocation from this Principal Administrator
ponds. Hydropower development on process was estimated at up to 70% of Climate, Biodiversity and Water
Chile’s Maipo River is sparking mass recharge. That is, setting aside at least Division
protests based on perceived (but 30% of the estimated recharge protects Environment Directorate
unassessed) risks to Santiago (the the resource from the risk of saltwater Tel: +33 1 45 24 79 10
capital city) water supply. intrusion.