Page 17 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2014
P. 17
Summer 2014 European Energy Innovation 17
the Single European Sky noise technologies applied to graduate level education at
environmental objectives. full and half scale landing gear TCD. This enables researchers
models in two of Europe’s leading to develop skills targeted at the
Within the group the Clean Sky aeroacoustic wind tunnel facilities. needs of the European aerospace
research team is led by Dr. Gareth community and by linking with
J. Bennett and Dr. John Kennedy. The advancement of European SME’s we can help build the
The team is currently coordinating society is dependent on safe, necessary skill base to meet
three major international efficient, and environmentally- these challenges over the coming
research projects issued as calls friendly technologies. It is decades. l
for proposals from the Green an on-going challenge for
Regional Aircraft domain of the European aerospace industries WENEMOR
Clean Sky program. The first to meet customer and Call - SP1-JTI-CLEAN SKY-2010-4
of these projects: WENEMOR, legislative requirements, satisfy Topic - JTI-CS-2010-4-GRA-05-005
has investigated the noise societal demands and sustain ALLEGRA
implications of an innovative, fuel competitiveness in the global Call - SP1-JTI-CLEAN SKY-2011-3
efficient engine design which arena. Clean Sky is a dedicated Topic - JTI-CS-2011-1-GRA-02-017
employs a counter rotating open funding program which ARTIC
rotor (CROR). This technology helps industry address these Call - SP1-JTI-CS-2013-01
was rejected in the past partly challenges. Topic - JTI-CS-2013-01-GRA-02-021
due to noise level concerns but
with advances in airframe and By acting as coordinator
engine design is it now possible universities such as Trinity College
to reap the benefits of this Dublin have shown that they can
more environmentally friendly not only provide solutions to
technology. The experimental these issues through fundamental
database produced by the project scientific research but that they
is the most extensive available can also successfully manage
and is currently being used to these ambitious collaborative
validate advanced numerical engineering projects. In addition,
codes simulating CROR acoustics. activity within these projects is
integrated with world leading
In addition to the redesign of
aircraft engines it is also possible Contact details:
to reduce noise through the Prof. Gareth J. Bennett
application of advanced noise Department of Mechanical and
abatement technologies to the Manufacturing Engineering
airframe. ARTIC and ALLEGRA School of Engineering
are also projects coordinated Trinity College Dublin
by Trinity which aim to reduce Dublin 2
landing gear noise which Ireland
contributes up to 30% of the +353 (0) 1 896 3878
overall noise emission of an
aircraft during the take-off and Dr. John Kennedy
approach phases. These projects
are investigating multiple low
the Single European Sky noise technologies applied to graduate level education at
environmental objectives. full and half scale landing gear TCD. This enables researchers
models in two of Europe’s leading to develop skills targeted at the
Within the group the Clean Sky aeroacoustic wind tunnel facilities. needs of the European aerospace
research team is led by Dr. Gareth community and by linking with
J. Bennett and Dr. John Kennedy. The advancement of European SME’s we can help build the
The team is currently coordinating society is dependent on safe, necessary skill base to meet
three major international efficient, and environmentally- these challenges over the coming
research projects issued as calls friendly technologies. It is decades. l
for proposals from the Green an on-going challenge for
Regional Aircraft domain of the European aerospace industries WENEMOR
Clean Sky program. The first to meet customer and Call - SP1-JTI-CLEAN SKY-2010-4
of these projects: WENEMOR, legislative requirements, satisfy Topic - JTI-CS-2010-4-GRA-05-005
has investigated the noise societal demands and sustain ALLEGRA
implications of an innovative, fuel competitiveness in the global Call - SP1-JTI-CLEAN SKY-2011-3
efficient engine design which arena. Clean Sky is a dedicated Topic - JTI-CS-2011-1-GRA-02-017
employs a counter rotating open funding program which ARTIC
rotor (CROR). This technology helps industry address these Call - SP1-JTI-CS-2013-01
was rejected in the past partly challenges. Topic - JTI-CS-2013-01-GRA-02-021
due to noise level concerns but
with advances in airframe and By acting as coordinator
engine design is it now possible universities such as Trinity College
to reap the benefits of this Dublin have shown that they can
more environmentally friendly not only provide solutions to
technology. The experimental these issues through fundamental
database produced by the project scientific research but that they
is the most extensive available can also successfully manage
and is currently being used to these ambitious collaborative
validate advanced numerical engineering projects. In addition,
codes simulating CROR acoustics. activity within these projects is
integrated with world leading
In addition to the redesign of
aircraft engines it is also possible Contact details:
to reduce noise through the Prof. Gareth J. Bennett
application of advanced noise Department of Mechanical and
abatement technologies to the Manufacturing Engineering
airframe. ARTIC and ALLEGRA School of Engineering
are also projects coordinated Trinity College Dublin
by Trinity which aim to reduce Dublin 2
landing gear noise which Ireland
contributes up to 30% of the +353 (0) 1 896 3878
overall noise emission of an
aircraft during the take-off and Dr. John Kennedy
approach phases. These projects
are investigating multiple low