Page 55 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2014
P. 55
Summer 2014 European Energy Innovation 55
to efficiently act and engage Courtesy of CitySyd, Trondheim, Norway
in sustainability. While a lot
of progress has already been been redesigned to become
made there is still work to be commercial entities. The objective
done in order to reduce energy is to re-conceptualize shopping
consumption and greenhouse centres through deep retrofitting
gas emissions. using a holistic systemic approach
taking into account innovative
The FP7 project CommONEnergy2 technologies and solution sets
( as methods and tools to support
offers retailers the know-how their implementation. Thus, the
and toolkit to facilitate the project foresees to address all
transition from energy hungry the steps of the transformation
set-ups to more energy from design of solutions to
efficient architectures and implementation measures and
systems. Roberto Lollini, Project
Coordinator from EURAC
Accademia Europea Bolzano, said
the following about the project’s
importance and scope:
“Shopping centres generally
present high levels of energy
demand, so the market offers
ample room for improvement
both in terms of efficiency growth
and carbon emissions reduction:
this is why the European
Commission is encouraging
actions involving commercial
centres, that currently represent
28% of the total non-residential
building stock.
In addition, due to their high while taking into consideration
visibility, they could represent a the environmental and social
positive example for customers contexts”.
and visitors. CommONEnergy
partners will develop tools RE-CONCEPTUALISING
and solutions, not only specific SHOPPING MALLS FROM
technologies (such as lighting, CONSUMERISM TO ENERGY
ventilation, refrigeration, etc.) CONSERVATION
but, even more important, also CommONEnergy focuses on
methodologies: the objective existing shopping centres
is indeed to implement a to be refurbished as well as
systemic retrofitting able to on buildings with a different
integrate different technologies, original function that have
1. RILA, 2012 Retail Sustainability Report Successes, Challenges, and a Vision for the Future
2. Re-conceptualising shopping malls from consumerism to energy conservation (CommONEnergy). The project has received funding from the European
Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under Grant Agreement 608678.
to efficiently act and engage Courtesy of CitySyd, Trondheim, Norway
in sustainability. While a lot
of progress has already been been redesigned to become
made there is still work to be commercial entities. The objective
done in order to reduce energy is to re-conceptualize shopping
consumption and greenhouse centres through deep retrofitting
gas emissions. using a holistic systemic approach
taking into account innovative
The FP7 project CommONEnergy2 technologies and solution sets
( as methods and tools to support
offers retailers the know-how their implementation. Thus, the
and toolkit to facilitate the project foresees to address all
transition from energy hungry the steps of the transformation
set-ups to more energy from design of solutions to
efficient architectures and implementation measures and
systems. Roberto Lollini, Project
Coordinator from EURAC
Accademia Europea Bolzano, said
the following about the project’s
importance and scope:
“Shopping centres generally
present high levels of energy
demand, so the market offers
ample room for improvement
both in terms of efficiency growth
and carbon emissions reduction:
this is why the European
Commission is encouraging
actions involving commercial
centres, that currently represent
28% of the total non-residential
building stock.
In addition, due to their high while taking into consideration
visibility, they could represent a the environmental and social
positive example for customers contexts”.
and visitors. CommONEnergy
partners will develop tools RE-CONCEPTUALISING
and solutions, not only specific SHOPPING MALLS FROM
technologies (such as lighting, CONSUMERISM TO ENERGY
ventilation, refrigeration, etc.) CONSERVATION
but, even more important, also CommONEnergy focuses on
methodologies: the objective existing shopping centres
is indeed to implement a to be refurbished as well as
systemic retrofitting able to on buildings with a different
integrate different technologies, original function that have
1. RILA, 2012 Retail Sustainability Report Successes, Challenges, and a Vision for the Future
2. Re-conceptualising shopping malls from consumerism to energy conservation (CommONEnergy). The project has received funding from the European
Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under Grant Agreement 608678.