Page 47 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2015 publication
P. 47
Summer 2015 European Energy Innovation 47
Aerodays and the UK’s thriving
aerospace sector
This October the UK will over £29bn, it provides 111,000 identify areas of mutual strategic
host Aerodays 2015; a direct high-value jobs and more benefit to strengthen the UK’s
flagship conference that than 3,000 apprenticeships. international appeal.
brings together experts, Crucially, the sector provides
industry leaders and politicians excellent regional employment While the ATI is addressing
from around the world for a three- opportunities with earnings the very latest in R&D within
day event that will look at the almost double that of the national aerospace on a national level,
future of flight. average wage. the AGP has also championed
the technological advancements
Held almost as often as the Recognising the strategic made by smaller organisations
Olympics, Aerodays is run by importance of aerospace to the on a more local level. At the
the European Commission in UK economy, and the vital role Paris Airshow in 2013, the
order to focus global attention that growing export market share National Aerospace Technology
on collaborative research and plays in sustaining its leading Exploitation Programme (NATEP)
innovation across the aviation position, the UK Government was launched by AGP. With
sector. This year marks the and industry came together to funding of £40 million this key
seventh time the event has develop an Industrial Strategy as initiative is focused on helping
run and for the UK it presents a way to tackle challenges and small and mid-sized companies
an important opportunity better exploit opportunities. The develop innovative technologies
to showcase the pioneering Aerospace Growth Partnership and increase their ability to win
technical developments within (AGP) was established in 2012, new global business.
aerospace for which it is with the combined goal of
internationally renowned. securing the future of the UK All of this bodes well for a market
aerospace industry for the next 20 that looks set to see exponential
Already the event has an years and beyond. growth; by 2032 it is estimated
impressive panel of speakers that worldwide more than 29,000
confirmed: Warren East, the This partnership approach is new large civil airliners, 24,000
incoming CEO of Rolls-Royce; Tony already influencing international business jets, 5,800 regional
Tyler the CEO of the International perception of the UK as a aircraft and 40,000 helicopters
Air Transport Association, and place to do business. Support will be required. Given the
Carlos Moedas, the European provided through the AGP UK’s technical advantage in
Commissioner for Research, has created an attractive and developing and manufacturing
Science and Innovation will all competitive environment for some of the most complicated
contribute to the vision for aviation. investment; almost three quarters and high tech parts of modern
of aerospace companies plan aircraft, it is in a strong position
With 17 per cent of global market to increase investment during to respond to the potential
share the UK’s aerospace industry the coming year with one in four presented by this growth.
is the largest in Europe and looking at reshoring activity back
second only to the US. Around to the UK. Against this backdrop, Aerodays
half of the world’s modern large 2015 is being hosted in a highly
aircraft fly on wings manufactured A core initiative of the AGP has apt location.
in the UK and a Rolls-Royce been to create the Aerospace
powered aircraft takes off Technology Institute (ATI). Over International experts will be
somewhere in the world every a seven-year period the ATI welcomed to this unique forum
two and a half seconds. will establish and facilitate the to discuss strategic perspectives
growth of future aerospace in aeronautics and air transport
The aerospace sector is a UK and aeronautic technologies. in a country that is pioneering
success story and of strategic Combining research from technological developments
importance to the country’s Government, industry and using a highly original partnership
economy. Last year it turned leading academia, the ATI will approach. l
Aerodays and the UK’s thriving
aerospace sector
This October the UK will over £29bn, it provides 111,000 identify areas of mutual strategic
host Aerodays 2015; a direct high-value jobs and more benefit to strengthen the UK’s
flagship conference that than 3,000 apprenticeships. international appeal.
brings together experts, Crucially, the sector provides
industry leaders and politicians excellent regional employment While the ATI is addressing
from around the world for a three- opportunities with earnings the very latest in R&D within
day event that will look at the almost double that of the national aerospace on a national level,
future of flight. average wage. the AGP has also championed
the technological advancements
Held almost as often as the Recognising the strategic made by smaller organisations
Olympics, Aerodays is run by importance of aerospace to the on a more local level. At the
the European Commission in UK economy, and the vital role Paris Airshow in 2013, the
order to focus global attention that growing export market share National Aerospace Technology
on collaborative research and plays in sustaining its leading Exploitation Programme (NATEP)
innovation across the aviation position, the UK Government was launched by AGP. With
sector. This year marks the and industry came together to funding of £40 million this key
seventh time the event has develop an Industrial Strategy as initiative is focused on helping
run and for the UK it presents a way to tackle challenges and small and mid-sized companies
an important opportunity better exploit opportunities. The develop innovative technologies
to showcase the pioneering Aerospace Growth Partnership and increase their ability to win
technical developments within (AGP) was established in 2012, new global business.
aerospace for which it is with the combined goal of
internationally renowned. securing the future of the UK All of this bodes well for a market
aerospace industry for the next 20 that looks set to see exponential
Already the event has an years and beyond. growth; by 2032 it is estimated
impressive panel of speakers that worldwide more than 29,000
confirmed: Warren East, the This partnership approach is new large civil airliners, 24,000
incoming CEO of Rolls-Royce; Tony already influencing international business jets, 5,800 regional
Tyler the CEO of the International perception of the UK as a aircraft and 40,000 helicopters
Air Transport Association, and place to do business. Support will be required. Given the
Carlos Moedas, the European provided through the AGP UK’s technical advantage in
Commissioner for Research, has created an attractive and developing and manufacturing
Science and Innovation will all competitive environment for some of the most complicated
contribute to the vision for aviation. investment; almost three quarters and high tech parts of modern
of aerospace companies plan aircraft, it is in a strong position
With 17 per cent of global market to increase investment during to respond to the potential
share the UK’s aerospace industry the coming year with one in four presented by this growth.
is the largest in Europe and looking at reshoring activity back
second only to the US. Around to the UK. Against this backdrop, Aerodays
half of the world’s modern large 2015 is being hosted in a highly
aircraft fly on wings manufactured A core initiative of the AGP has apt location.
in the UK and a Rolls-Royce been to create the Aerospace
powered aircraft takes off Technology Institute (ATI). Over International experts will be
somewhere in the world every a seven-year period the ATI welcomed to this unique forum
two and a half seconds. will establish and facilitate the to discuss strategic perspectives
growth of future aerospace in aeronautics and air transport
The aerospace sector is a UK and aeronautic technologies. in a country that is pioneering
success story and of strategic Combining research from technological developments
importance to the country’s Government, industry and using a highly original partnership
economy. Last year it turned leading academia, the ATI will approach. l