Page 65 - European Energy Innovation - Summer 2017 publication
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Summer 2017 European Energy Innovation 65
even past their expected useful life. Yet, exist and manufacturers know how to 5. If a heating system fails, a fast
we do need to increase the speed of make and deploy low-to-zero emission replacement is required, but in such
change and we need it to happen fast “2050-ready” heating solutions, air “distressed purchase” situations
if we are to get to zero emissions by conditioning systems and cooling the suggested replacement is
2050, only 33 years away. equipment. In the construction sector, rarely the best long-term solution.
the know-how to build, refurbish or Standardized green renovation
The energy transformation implies renovate a building to near zero energy packages including financing and (if
an overhaul of the entire value chain, standards exists. And industry needed) an upgrade of the building
from research and development to is experimenting with circular envelope must become the modus
manufacturing to installation and economy concepts that include operandi for business.
maintenance. Today’s heating industry reusing energy.
is still dominated by fossil fuels with Addressing these points will help
market shares of green heating If technologies exist, what is the unleash the power of individual,
solutions not even close to the level problem? Five key factors are inhibiting corporate, and municipal investments
needed for reaching zero emissions. green solutions from being the most in favour of a more fully decarbonised
cost efficient and most easily deployed: heating and cooling system. This can
But there is a bright side to it: be re-enforced further. Policy-makers
technologies for a decarbonised sector 1. Subsidies for fossil fuels prevail must give a strong signal to end-users
across the EU, keeping operation and industries on the need for change
costs artificially low. With the and the incompatibility of fossil-based
investment costs of greener solutions with the 2050 goals to reach a
solutions still higher, the additional zero emissions economy for Europe.
costs are rarely recovered over the
useful life of the installation. The #DecarbHeat forum (Brussels,
11-12 May) addressed these issues and
2. There is no price signal influencing layed the groundwork by launching
the negative environmental impact the #DecarbHeat initiative. The goal is
from burning fossil energy in the to encourage a swifter shift to cleaner
heating sector. Electricity is covered energy solutions for the ultimate
by the European Trading Scheme benefit of Europe’s citizens. Thanks to
(ETS), but combustion-based the DecarbHeat initiative, the thermal
heating is not covered. industry has made formal commitments
to achieve a 100% carbon emission-free
3. While you can find financing European heating and cooling sector
solutions for buying a new car, the by 2050. 25 representatives of the
banking sector does not facilitate major players of the European thermal
investing in new heating solutions, industry signed the Decarb Heat
distribution infrastructure and industry Pledge committing thus to
building systems that would lower align their business development plans
energy consumption. with the mentioned vision. The initiative
was also supported by nearly50 other
4. Current heating solutions benefit organisations and individuals including
from decades of optimization and Brussels Minister Céline Fremault and
standardisation. For the installer, this H.R.H Prince Laurent of Belgium.
is business as usual: the basic like-
for-like replacement, fault-forgiving The message is clear: full
and recognized as working by the decarnonisation of Europe is possible
client. This ease of installation has and starts with heating & Cooling. l
yet to be achieved for “2050 ready”
replacement solutions to come to For more information please visit
market faster.