Page 4 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2014
P. 4
inter 2014 European Energy Innovation

Foreword The publishers of European Energy
Innovation would like to offer their
Dark clouds seem to be gathering over Europe as 2014 draws to its uncertain sincere thanks to all individuals and
close. Economic weakness; the collapse in oil prices; uncertainty over Greek organisations who have contributed
austerity. Even shale gas seems to have received a setback in Texas. One seems editorial images photos and illustrations
darker than all the rest: standoff in Eastern Europe. So what have we in this issue to the magazine. Whilst every effort
to lighten the gloom? has been made to ensure accuracy
of the content, the publishers of
We are delighted to feature an article by Dominique Ristori, Director General at European Energy Innovation accept no
DG ENER. Highlighting the importance of energy efficiency, he reviews the EU’s responsibility for errors or omissions.
ecodesign and energy labelling initiatives, the role of buildings and the potential
for smart meters to improve consumer awareness of energy consumption. As he The contents of European Energy
suggests, energy we do not use cannot pollute! Innovation are protected by copyright.

In his thought-provoking article, Michael Cramer, Chair of the TRAN Committee, All rights reserved.
points out that the growth in transport emissions since 1990 has nullified
reductions in emissions elsewhere. Arguing for a radical change in transport European Energy Innovation is
policy, he points out that electric cars do not yet fully answer the problem, adding published by:
that it is a scandal that environmentally-friendly transport is more expensive than Prologue Media Ltd
environmentally-harmful transport. 1a Shire Lane
In our Greek focus, Eva Kaili MEP and member of the ITRE Committee, discusses Hertfordshire WD3 5NQ
the potential for renewable energy, noting the recent overhaul of the institutional United Kingdom
and legislative framework and concluding with a plea that the Greek approach
will be taken into account in EU energy strategy. Konstantinos Mathioudakis, Tel: +44 1923 286238
Secretary General for Energy and Mineral Resources at the Ministry of
Environment, Energy and Climate Change, reviews the “Energy Saving at Home”
programme, based upon loans for energy-saving interventions. Although the To obtain additional copies please email
majority of the applications concern H class buildings, he notes a startling 42%
reduction in energy consumption.
Dana Popp of Euroheat and Power explores District Heating in Munich, Stockholm Michael Edmund
and Copenhagen. Its full potential remains untapped, she says, arguing that
European cities must adapt their energy infrastructure. The BPIE sounds a
note of caution about the Energy Efficiency Directive, with the EU as a whole BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR
arguably failing to recognise its benefits. Lot van Hooijdonk expresses her hopes Philip Beausire
for the new Compact of Mayors. As Deputy Mayor of Utrecht and chair of the
EUROCITIES Environment Forum, she is well placed to communicate to the
international community what can be achieved. HEAD OF BRUSSELS OFFICE
Sophia Silvert
Didier Houssin, Director of Sustainable Energy Policy and Technology at the IEA, Tel: +32 2 347 7019
shows the potential for CCS. The SaskPower Boundary Dam produces 115MW Mob: +32 4737 30322
and captures 95% of its CO2 emissions and 100% of its SO2. CCS, he writes, can
be adapted to both gas and biomass-fired power and to other industrial sectors.
In our EV supplement, Aura Caramizaru shows how Smart Charging might
improve the “rather hesitant uptake” of EVs in Europe. Better use of available
capacity, she argues, allows electric cars to improve the power system. WEBSITE DESIGN
EURELECTRIC is working with its members on smart charging and will be
presenting in a ‘Talking smart grids’ event in Brussels. Meanwhile, Alfons
Westgeest of EUROBAT reviews the background to e-mobility and stresses PRINT
the role of advanced lead-based batteries. He concludes that batteries have a The Magazine Printing Company,
fundamental role in the decarbonisation of the European transport sector. Enfield, Middlesex, United Kingdom

We show how far Norway as a country, and Oslo, as a city, have embraced EVs:
from complete replacement of the city’s fleet of municipal cars to tax and parking
initiatives, all supported by an RE infrastructure providing 99% of the country’s

Dark clouds, yes, but much hope resides in the agreement struck at Lima. And
there is much more for you to read inside…

Michael Edmund
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