Page 18 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2015 publication
P. 18
Winter 2015 European Energy Innovation


Energycaps: High power and
high energy lithium ion capacitor

A research project in the frame of Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) - Marie Curie Actions
The management
of the electricity for partners to the forefront in development/optimization.
supply interruptions
that can occur WKLVƓHOGRIUHVHDUFKLQ RECUPYL is currently developing
Two academic teams (Poznan a recycling process and assessing
University of Technology,

unexpectedly is vital for hospitals, Kiev National University of the environmental impacts.

telecommunication centers, Technologies and Design) and

airports, supermarkets, banks, two small companies (YUNASKO YUNASKO develops a prototype

tunnels or critical production from Ukraine and RECUPYL from of Lithium-ion capacitor. The

plants. About 20 seconds are France) were selected. They joined device provides an energy

needed to start an additional SOLVAY in the collaborative density similar to that of lead-acid

electric generator of several project “Energycaps”, sponsored battery, a charging time as low as

megawatts (e.g., a diesel by the European Marie Curie PLQXWHDQGDQXPEHURIF\FOHV

generator). To ensure the funding program “IAPP” (Industry- and power capability improved at

uninterrupted power supply Academia Partnerships and OHDVWE\DIDFWRURI

(UPS), an intermediate device Pathways) with more than 2 million

capable of delivering such a Euros. Solvay products have been used

high power within a fraction of in the electrodes, the separator

a second and keeping it up to The objective of the project is to and the electrolyte mixture.

about 20 seconds is needed. demonstrate market perspectives According to YUNASKO, LiTFSI,

of this emerging technology (Li- produced by SOLVAY is the

Lead-acid battery has been ion capacitors). preferred lithium salt for Li-ion

meeting the demand of capacitor. O

uninterrupted power supplies The project started at the end Electric bus in Nice (FR) powered without

(UPS) at a megawatt scale for RI,WKDVDPL[WXUHRI any fossil fuel and without cable (photo with

many decades. Its power to secondments (26 researchers, courtesy of the “PVI company”). The bus
weight ratio is, however, very gets the energy at each bus station within
low and appears as major PRQWKVDQGUHFUXLWPHQWV 20 seconds. This energy is currently stored
inconvenience. Academic partners are involved in classical supercapacitor (also called
in electrodes, electrolytes, ultracapacitors) and allows about 1km range

separator and current collector (see:

Lithium-ion capacitors have

recently emerged as an

interesting alternative. Their

competitive advantage over

lead-acid battery is an important

reduction of the device size.

Compared to Li-ion batteries,

Li-ion capacitors offer a better

compromise between power and

energy for this application.

a new opportunity for SOLVAY to
promote the products typically
sold on the lithium-ion battery
market. Li-ion capacitor could
also be used to improve the
fuel saving and reduce the CO2
emission in hybrid vehicles.

A SOLVAY researcher sought
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