Page 50 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2015 publication
P. 50
Winter 2015 European Energy Innovation




(b uropean Energy through a reduction of the overall sustainability of its building stock,
Innovation is base load and the system peak1. mineral wool insulation is key
happening before us. to the creation of low energy
As Europe modernises As our energy system faces a buildings.
infrastructures, shifts away from a transition, EU buildings legislation
fossil fuel based and dependant must follow the principle of So then how can we speed up
society to a decarbonised, ‘trias energetica’2, this means the rate and quality renovation
ensuring a low energy demand RIRXUH[LVWLQJDQGLQHIƓFLHQW
GHFHQWUDOLVHGDQGŴH[LEOHHQHUJ\ in buildings, particularly for building stock (75%) and reduce
system – it is going to change the heating and cooling needs. Doing the enormous energy wasted
way we produce, transport and so will ensure resilience in the in buildings for heating and
consume energy. energy system, enable the right cooling?
equipment sizing, and create
As the EU sets out to realise the the best start for integrating The answer is embracing this
renewables and connectivity (e.g. energy change by placing an
ƓYHGLPHQVLRQVRILWV(XURSHDQ demand response). economic and societal value on
Energy Union Strategy; secure WKHDUUD\RIHQHUJ\HIƓFLHQF\
energy supply, an integrated Whether it’s constructing new
internal energy market, energy EHQHƓWVDQGJLYLQJSUHFHGHQFH
EXLOGLQJVRUUHQRYDWLQJH[LVWLQJ to building envelope measures.
HIƓFLHQF\GHFDUERQLVDWLRQDQG buildings, we need to make sure
research and innovation – highly that our buildings are resilient The below three point policy
in long run. This is where the plan illustrates how we can ramp
HIƓFLHQWEXLOGLQJVQRWRQO\WLFN building envelope plays an up renovation and get back on
essential role, as it provides a WUDFNWRPDNLQJKLJKO\HIƓFLHQW
DOOWKHDERYHER[HVEXWDOVR structural solution and ensures buildings a reality.

(jobs, health, social, GDP etc.) over its entire lifespan. H[LVWLQJ(8EXLOGLQJVWRFN
to consumers, business and
government alike. In this respect, mineral wool WR1=(%OHYHOE\
insulation is a unique, reliable, The Energy Performance in
Buildings are responsible for the cost-effective and highly versatile Buildings Directive recast
product. Its thermal properties (EPBD) created an important
ODUJHVWVKDUHRI(XURSHDQƓQDO contribute hugely to European market pull for sustainable
energy consumption (40%) and efforts to save energy and combat construction products by
CO2 emissions (36%) and they climate change. Additionally, the setting a long term objective
represent the greatest potential structure of mineral wool prevents for our buildings to be ‘nearly
to save energy, reduce our energy the movement of air– coupled energy zero’ by 2020. We now
dependence, shrink our carbon with its long-term stability, gives need a similar EU framework,
footprint, tackle fuel poverty, and the building a unique ability supported by clear national
lower our household energy bills. to combat noise pollution and targets and milestones, for the
Keeping in mind that the energy H[LVWLQJEXLOGLQJVWRFNWREH
transition will require massive LPSURYHƓUHSURWHFWLRQ$V NZEB by 2050.
investment in supply network Europe seeks to upgrade the

buildings can precisely reduce
this infrastructure investment

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