Page 6 - European Energy Innovation - Winter 2015 publication
P. 6
inter 2015 European Energy Innovation
By Dominique Ristori, Director-General for Energy, European Commission
Today, 360 million of us from the heating and cooling The CONCERTO initiative, for
live in European cities of buildings alone. That makes example, invested €175 million
– that is more than 72% cities and urban areas the perfect of EU funding in 58 innovative
of EU population. The laboratory for cutting greenhouse projects focusing on integrated
shift from rural to urban areas gas emissions, increase the use of energy production in Europe
takes place at global level. That renewable energy and improve – from using more renewable
urbanisation brings with it as energy sources, to moderating
many opportunities as it brings HQHUJ\HIƓFLHQF\7KDWZRUNKDV energy demand in new or
challenges. And nowhere is already started. renovated buildings. The results
that truer than for energy. Cities from these projects fed into
currently account for 70% of our URBAN AREAS: A FOCUS FOR the 2010 Energy Performance
energy consumption while around EU ENERGY POLICIES
50% of our energy bill comes Building on the existing objective RI%XLOGLQJV'LUHFWLYHDQGWKH
of 20% energy savings by 2020,
last autumn European leaders (QHUJ\(IƓFLHQF\'LUHFWLYH
agreed to a collective energy and between 2010 and 2013,
a number of measures were
HIƓFLHQF\WDUJHWE\RIDW implemented under the Energy
least 27%, to be reviewed by
2020 having in mind an EU level (IƓFLHQF\LQ%XLOGLQJVSXEOLF
of 30%. The Framework Strategy private partnership.
for Energy Union1, presented
by the Commission in February Moreover, since 2014 the Horizon
2020 programme (2014-2020)
WKLV\HDUKDVFRQƓUPHGWKH has been taking EU efforts on
urban areas one step further
SULQFLSOHRIŌōHQHUJ\HIƓFLHQF\ with the so-called Smart Cities
and Communities Lighthouse
ƓUVWōōDQGKDVSXWLQSODFHWRROV projects. The idea that inspires
and instruments treating energy them is to bring together a
right. The regulatory framework innovative solutions to inspire
others. Reinforcing synergies
DFFRPSDQ\LQJHQHUJ\HIƓFLHQF\ between the energy, transport
is being strengthened through and telecommunications is key
the revision of products related in our transition to a low carbon
legislation, followed by the review economy.
Energy Performance of Buildings QUALITY OF LIFE
Smart cities and Communities
'LUHFWLYHQH[W\HDU(QHUJ\ Lighthouse projects successfully
top priorities for the recently measures for buildings with the
launched European Fund for use of renewable energy sources
Strategic Investments as well as such as solar and wind, as well
under the European Structural as computer-enabled energy
& Investment Funds (ESIF).
for research projects related
By Dominique Ristori, Director-General for Energy, European Commission
Today, 360 million of us from the heating and cooling The CONCERTO initiative, for
live in European cities of buildings alone. That makes example, invested €175 million
– that is more than 72% cities and urban areas the perfect of EU funding in 58 innovative
of EU population. The laboratory for cutting greenhouse projects focusing on integrated
shift from rural to urban areas gas emissions, increase the use of energy production in Europe
takes place at global level. That renewable energy and improve – from using more renewable
urbanisation brings with it as energy sources, to moderating
many opportunities as it brings HQHUJ\HIƓFLHQF\7KDWZRUNKDV energy demand in new or
challenges. And nowhere is already started. renovated buildings. The results
that truer than for energy. Cities from these projects fed into
currently account for 70% of our URBAN AREAS: A FOCUS FOR the 2010 Energy Performance
energy consumption while around EU ENERGY POLICIES
50% of our energy bill comes Building on the existing objective RI%XLOGLQJV'LUHFWLYHDQGWKH
of 20% energy savings by 2020,
last autumn European leaders (QHUJ\(IƓFLHQF\'LUHFWLYH
agreed to a collective energy and between 2010 and 2013,
a number of measures were
HIƓFLHQF\WDUJHWE\RIDW implemented under the Energy
least 27%, to be reviewed by
2020 having in mind an EU level (IƓFLHQF\LQ%XLOGLQJVSXEOLF
of 30%. The Framework Strategy private partnership.
for Energy Union1, presented
by the Commission in February Moreover, since 2014 the Horizon
2020 programme (2014-2020)
WKLV\HDUKDVFRQƓUPHGWKH has been taking EU efforts on
urban areas one step further
SULQFLSOHRIŌōHQHUJ\HIƓFLHQF\ with the so-called Smart Cities
and Communities Lighthouse
ƓUVWōōDQGKDVSXWLQSODFHWRROV projects. The idea that inspires
and instruments treating energy them is to bring together a
right. The regulatory framework innovative solutions to inspire
others. Reinforcing synergies
DFFRPSDQ\LQJHQHUJ\HIƓFLHQF\ between the energy, transport
is being strengthened through and telecommunications is key
the revision of products related in our transition to a low carbon
legislation, followed by the review economy.
Energy Performance of Buildings QUALITY OF LIFE
Smart cities and Communities
'LUHFWLYHQH[W\HDU(QHUJ\ Lighthouse projects successfully
top priorities for the recently measures for buildings with the
launched European Fund for use of renewable energy sources
Strategic Investments as well as such as solar and wind, as well
under the European Structural as computer-enabled energy
& Investment Funds (ESIF).
for research projects related