Page 11 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2017 publication
P. 11
Winter 2017 European Energy Innovation 11
we agree to focus on tools to boost BOOSTING RENOVATIONS From Parliament’s side, we have
renovations, supporting infrastructure Since new buildings are constructed focused on fine-tuning the
for electrical vehicles, and improved at a rate of roughly one per cent a Commission’s proposal - with the
monitoring of buildings’ energy year, the revision of the EPBD mainly aim at safeguarding the incentives
performance. Delivering on our focuses on improvements to existing to renovation by requiring mainly
promises to the European public and buildings. Member States simply affordable basic such as pre-cabling
achieving a real boost in renovation must show that priority is given to and pre-tubing. Since electricity
is now in the hands of the Member addressing market failures that today companies have a vested interest in
States, as the result on the ongoing hamper renovations. rolling out recharging points, I trust
negotiations depends on the Member the market to meet the expected
States’ willingness to commit. From The tool for this is the long-term demand in this regard - including by
Parliament’s side we are ready to make renovation strategies, giving a clear providing a future-proof approach
progress. political signal that we prioritise a to the technological development. I
better building stock, and it providing believe that we have found the right
investor certainty. Security for investors balance between costs, ambitions and
is decisive, since public money cannot incentives to renovate this way.
deliver solely on their own. Public
money is a good tool to gear private MONITORING ENERGY
financing for renovations and can PERFORMANCE
take off part of the risk for investors. Another way to improve our building
Energy efficiency is a sure investment, stock is through improved monitoring
the interest rate is low and private and use of smart technologies. This
investors are looking for long-term is a low-hanging fruit in the energy
stable investments, so we must strike efficiency efforts. Therefore, we in
now to allow the available capital to Parliament propose that Member
reach the market. States realise this potential by
requiring building automation
ELECTRO-MOBILITY and control systems in larger non-
Another cornerstone of the EPBD, is residential buildings. This simple tool
the proposal to use the directive to would enable significant savings, while
drive the roll out of infrastructure for holding short payback periods.
electro-mobility. While one could - with
good reason - question the relation STATUS ON NEGOTIATIONS
between transport requirements and The Parliament stands broadly united
buildings, there are two reasons for behind the position adopted by the
linking electro-mobility with energy committee in early October, and with
efficiency in buildings: Clearly, for the significant support expressed by
cost-efficiency, it is profitable to stakeholders, it provides a clear signal
incorporate expansion of infrastructure for improving the energy efficiency in
for electro-mobility when renovating buildings. I truly hope that Member
buildings. Secondly, buildings must States are ready to show a similar level
be seen as a part of urban planning of commitment to provide healthier,
and infrastructure in general. Citizens safer homes, and lower energy bills for
generally pay little attention to whether Europeans, while cutting CO2 emissions
their parking spaces are considered and ensuring a sustainable and
buildings policy or transport policy. reliable energy supply for the future. l
1 Carried out by BPIE: