Page 3 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2017 publication
P. 3

Winter 2017 European Energy Innovation      3



6 Clean energy for all Europeans            46 Upper Austria, a European leader in         14
     Dominique Ristori, Director-General         the clean energy transition               46
     for Energy, European Commission             Christiane Egger,                         46
                                                 OOEnergiesparverband, Conference          60
10 One very important step towards               Director of the World Sustainable         66
     energy efficiency                           Energy Days
     Bendt Bendtsen, MEP

14 Renewables at the top of the             50 Land am Strome – Land of rivers
     Parliament’s agenda                         Barbara Kappel, MEP
     Seán Kelly, MEP
                                            52 Country report on energy efficiency
18 Can TV monitors and display                   and renewables in Austria
     technology become even more                 DI Dr. Günter Simader, Mag. Gregor
     energy efficient?                           Thenius, and Christoph Ploiner, MSc,
     Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director             Austrian Energy Agency

22 A New Dawn for CCS in Europe             54 City Digital Profile – for integrated
     Graeme Sweeney, Chairman of the             urban innovation
     European Zero Emission Technology           Paul Copping, Chairman ETSI ISG
     and Innovation Platform (ZEP)               ”City Digital Profile” and chief
                                                 Innovation Officer, Digital Greenwich
26 A strong partnership to support
     local action: The EU Smart Cities and  56 The Data Rush: towards an energy
     Covenant of Mayors initiatives              efficient Europe
     David Donnerer, Communications              Roberta D’Angionella and Cosmina
     Officer, Covenant of Mayors for             Marian, the Buildings Performance
     Climate & Energy                            Institute Europe

30 Breaking the silos: An integrated        60 What building stock by 2050?
     approach to smart energy                    Adrian Joyce, Secretary General, The
     Frauke Thies, smartEn – the European        European Alliance of Companies for
     association for smart energy                Energy Efficiency in Buildings
                                            62 Connecting the cities of the future
32 Distributed flexibility and the value         Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General,
     of TSO/DSO Cooperation                      EUROCITIES
     ENTSO-E, European Network of
     Transmission System Operators for      64 Domestic appliances and energy
     Electricity                                 efficiency
                                                 Paolo Falcioni, Director-General, the
36 Energy efficiency to fight climate            European Committee of Domestic
     change: the vital role of ICTs              Equipment Manufacturers (CECED),
     Malcolm Johnson, ITU Deputy                 the voice of the home appliance
     Secretary General                           industry in Europe

40 Electricity Sector leaders commit        66 Overview of CCS activities in Europe
     to accelerating the clean energy            Francesco Corona
     Kristian Ruby, EURELECTRIC
     Secretary General.
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