Page 46 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2017 publication
P. 46
46 Winter 2017 European Energy Innovation
Upper Austria
A European leader in the clean
energy transition
By Christiane Egger – OÖ Energiesparverband, Conference Director of the World Sustainable Energy Days
Upper Austria, the most Upper Austria has implemented stable energy policy approach. Coined
industrialised of Austria’s 9 policies since the mid-90s. Among "carrots, sticks and tambourines", it
regions, is well on its way in others, this strategic and long-term consists of a combination of financial
the clean energy transition: vision has resulted in the growth of incentives ("carrots"), regulatory
75% of the electricity, 61% of all space a vibrant industry that successfully measures ("sticks"), and information &
heating and 32% of the primary energy exports worldwide. training activities ("tambourines").
come from renewables, as does
38% of the region’s industrial energy "CARROT, STICKS AND Financial support programmes
demand. Through significant increases TAMBOURINES" – AN EFFECTIVE specifically targeted at both
in energy efficiency and renewable COMBINATION OF POLICY mass-deployment and innovative
energy, greenhouse gas emissions MEASURES technologies are available in the
from buildings have been reduced by The region’s progress in the energy region. In addition to the financial
43% in 10 years. transition is owed to its targeted incentives themselves, avoiding
Photo credit: iStock/bluejayphoto