Page 9 - European Energy Innovation - Spring 2016 publication
P. 9

Spring 2016 European Energy Innovation  9

                                          TRANSPORT DECARBONISATION

technology, for example to increase       energies, a critical condition is         attract much needed investment
the share of renewable energies           sufficient infrastructure for recharging  and new operators into the market.
in transport or make vehicles and         and refuelling. In 2014 the EU            Competition has revitalised other
vessels more energy efficient, will       adopted a framework for creating this     sectors and I am confident, if a deal
play a central role as we decarbonise     infrastructure which Member States are    can be reached in the coming months,
our transport network to better serve     now implementing.                         that rail can be revitalised too.
the needs of people and business.
Investment will be vital, as well as      In the skies, much is being done          Briefly to maritime: The major goal
a regulatory framework that allows        to reduce the impact of aviation          for this year is to ensure International
Europe’s pool of talented people and      emissions. In order to be effective, my   Maritime Organisation member states
companies the freedom to innovate         preference is to tackle CO2 emissions     agree on a global CO2 reporting
and provide mobility solutions and        from aviation through global action,      scheme as a first step towards making
services.                                 as aviation is global by nature. We are   serious inroads into cutting emissions
                                          working closely with the International    in this sector.. In parallel, the EU and
There will also be a need to organise     Civial Aviation Organisation (ICAO)       its international partners should start
our transport system differently, to      on two ambitious global measures.         thinking about an effective global
make a greater use of less greenhouse     The first is on a CO2 Standard for        measure to reduce CO2 from shipping.
gas intensive modes such as inland        aircraft, where a landmark agreement      Again, the Paris agreement has given
waterways or railways, plan our cities    was reached at expert level at ICAO       renewed impetus in finding a deal.
better to allow for a greater share       in February. It could save up to 650
of walking and cycling, and better        million tonnes of CO2 emissions by        It is important that challenges are
integrate the different means of          2040.                                     changed into opportunities, so the
transport to get the right mix.                                                     EU can become more competitive
                                          The second is to develop a global         and lead the change globally. I invite
But for now let us look a little closer   mandatory system to offset aviation       industry to come on board, seize
at each of the four main modes of         emissions. The goal is to achieve         the opportunity and maintain the
transport.                                carbon neutral growth from 2020 in a      momentum.
                                          cost-effective manner. I also welcome
On road, the European Union has           the recent news by an EU airline taking   Of course, while it is necessary to
set CO2 emissions standards for           the first steps to develop a hybrid       have strategies to reduce the impact
vehicles. There are targets running       plane. In the medium term alternative     of individual modes of transport,
until 2021. By that year, the average     propulsion systems will have to be        ultimately, we are moving away from
emissions of new cars sold in the EU      developed to make aviation more           the ‘silo’ mentality of the past. The
(per manufacturer) will be 95 grammes     sustainable, in view of the ever-         future of mobility will see carbon-
of CO2 per kilometre, compared to         increasing demand for flights.            free, smart and seamlessly integrated
124 grammes today. Changes to the                                                   transport network.
procedure to test emissions will soon     On rail, work is progressing on the
enter into force and will guarantee       Fourth Railway Package. Agreement         Owning the transport we use, such as
a more accurate assessment of             was secured on technical aspects          cars will be less important. Switching
car emissions. We will also need          last year, improving interoperability     modes will become easier, as real-
to improve the efficiency of road         and facilitating the placing on the       time information planners become
transport operations, avoiding empty      market of new rolling stocks. Work is     more integrated. Not only will this
runs and stimulating fleet renewals.      ongoing to get agreement on opening       be good for us as citizens today, but
Strengthening public transport is         up domestic passenger rail markets.       it represents a huge opportunity to
particularily important in that respect.  There is a need for investment in our     reduce the impact of climate change,
And if we want to increase the            rail infrastructure. The Fourth Railway   so we can hand our planet on to the
demand for vehicles using alternative     Package provides a framework to           next generation. l
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