Page 18 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2018 publication
P. 18

18   Autumn 2018 European Energy Innovation


Figure 3: European electricity production until 2030 to meet the 32% RES target (extrapolation based on the
impact assessment of the 2016 Market Design Directive proposal[5]).


     1600  n Solar
     1400  n Wind
     1200  n Tide, Wave Ocean
     1000  n Biomass
           n Geothermal
           n Hydro






     0     2012  2014                     2016  2018  2020  2022                 2024 2026 2028 2030

performed a study exploiting data         During the recast of the Renewable     1,250TWh to be generated from solar
from the Global Human Settlement          Energy Directive (2009/28/EC), a       and wind power (Figure 3). Of this
Layer (GHSL) initiative. With this it is  political agreement on increasing      roughly 400 TWh would come from
possible to estimate available rooftop    renewable energy use in Europe         solar power, about 20TWh Solar
area in blocks of 10 m X 10 m across      was reached between negotiators        Thermal Power Generation and 380
the entire EU in both urban and rural     from the Commission, the European      TWh PV, which would require close to
areas. Calculations on NUTS2 level        Parliament and the Council on          350GW PV capacity to be installed by
show that if the suitable rooftop area    14 June 2018. The agreement sets       2030, about three times the capacity
is used for PV generation this could      a new, binding, renewable energy       of 2018.
result in more than 680 and up to         target for the EU for 2030 of 32%,
1,500TWh of electricity generation        including a review clause by 2023 for  However, with a total installed
depending on different assumptions        an upward revision of the EU level     capacity of about 115GW at the end
of other competing rooftop uses[11,12]    target[13].                            of 2018 and annual installations
(Figure 1). This would require about                                             between 5.1 and 7.5GW in the last four
600 to 1,200GW of installed PV power      As a consequence, renewable            years (Figure 4), it will be difficult to
compared to the roughly 115GW to          electricity would have to contribute   reach this target[5]. New policies are
be reached at the end of 2018             roughly 65% of the final energy        needed to enable a three times larger
(Figure 2)[5].                            demand with around 1,200 to            annual market over the next 13 years,

         To deliver the Paris Agreement, PV
power capacity in the EU has to triple
until 2030.

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