Page 19 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2018 publication
P. 19

Autumn 2018 European Energy Innovation        19

                                                              ROOFTOP PV

         The dependency of the European Union
on energy imports has increased from about
40% of gross energy consumption to 54%
between 1990 and 2015.

which is needed to reach the target.  exceeded 60%. The annual value of       the import of the needed energy,
                                      the energy imports amount to more       decentralised local renewable can
Figure 4: The annual photovoltaic     than €400 billion, which values the     make a significant impact in local
installations in the European Union   renewable energy at about €100          wealth creation. Self-consumption
                                      billion[15].                            of electricity from PV systems in the
The dependency of the European                                                Podlaskie region, Poland, is one of
Union on energy imports has           In a recently published Opinion,        the examples highlighted to boost
increased from about 40% of gross     the European Economic and               regional purchasing power.
energy consumption to 54% between     Social Committee highlighted
1990 and 2015[14]. In 1990 renewable  some effects of a decentralised         How can the great potential of PV
energy contributed about 4.5% and     renewable energy supply on jobs         systems on rooftops be utilised and
increased to more than 13.2% in       and regional economies[15]. Especially  help to deliver the Paris agreement?
2015. Without this tripling of local  regions with no or little own fossil
generated renewable energy the        energy resources, which have to         One of the problems is that so far,
energy dependency would have          spend significant amounts for           self-consumption in most countries

Figure 4: The annual photovoltaic installations in the European Union

18  n Rest of EU
    n Greece
Annual Photovoltaic Installations [GWp]n United Kingdom
                                                                                                                                           BAU16 n Czech Republic
                                                                                                                                                    optimisticn Belgium
14 n France
         n Spain
    n Italy
12  n Germany






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