Page 8 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2018 publication
P. 8

8 Autumn 2018 European Energy Innovation

Leading the clean energy

Our energy system is                         more renewable resources from            CUE EUSEW – EUROPE’S
                in a profound state of       solar, wind and hydro will help us       BIGGEST EVENT DEDICATED TO
                transformation. It is clear  reach the goals of the 2015 Paris        SUSTAINABLE ENERGY
                today that business as       Climate Agreement and ensure that        What better place to showcase
usual in which we drive petrol and           we are doing what’s right for our        these advancements, exchange
diesel guzzling cars, rely on more and       planet and its inhabitants. Striking     best practice and debate the issues
more fossil fuels such as coal and oil       the right balance between ambition       than at the EU Sustainable Energy
to power our expanding world is not          and cost, while ensuring security of     Week – Europe’s biggest conference
sustainable in the long term.                energy supply is a challenge for policy  dedicated to sustainable energy policy.
                                             makers not just in Europe but also
Behaviours must change and new,              across the globe.                        This flagship event, held every
advanced technologies developed                                                       year in June, unites policy makers,
if we have any hope of maintaining           The good news is that we have            authorities, industry, NGOs,
temperatures below 2°Celsius by              already come a long way. Many            researchers and academia from
2050, while ensuring that we all have        governments, organisations,              across Europe’s energy sector as well
access to clean, sustainable and             companies and individuals are busy       as individuals interested in a better
affordable energy.                           working on innovative solutions that     world. All come together to debate
                                             will help us reach the ambitious         energy policy and showcase the
Only a low-carbon pathway in which           climate goals. And Europe is leading     latest technology in the fight against
energy efficiency is integrated with         the way.                                 climate change.

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