Page 8 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 8

8 Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation

Electricity distribution networks:
vectors of solidarity in the
Energy Union

Michel Derdevet, Secretary General of Enedis*

While the current European Clean          storage, energy efficiency, erasure      They are also part of a broader
Energy package negotiations aim           and electric vehicles, as well as local  vision of society. The Energy Union
to extend the Union's ambition in         considerations and the expectations      cannot be the mere addition of self-
terms of energy transition, with more     of local authorities regarding more      contained “local energy clusters”
important objectives than those of        autonomous and renewable models,         with a self-sufficient vision aimed
the energy and climate package of         the distribution networks are clearly    at protecting themselves from their
December 2008 and its famous "3×20"       in a phase of transition or even         neighbours. Both historically and in
(20% renewables in the energy mix,        revolution.                              the future, electricity networks were
20% reduction in CO2 emissions and                                                 and will remain formidable vectors of
20% improvement in energy efficiency      The distribution networks (i.e. all      solidarity: between Member States,
by 2020), they also intend to reshape     local low- and medium-voltage            European regions and territories, in all
the entire energy market, taking into     networks), which until now served        their diversity.
account climate issues, the current       citizens vertically from the very
digital energy revolution, and societal   high-voltage network (THT), have         At a time when the Union is seeking
changes in respect to energy.             in recent years become formidable        to strengthen its proximity to
                                          collection networks, where the main      European citizens, on the eve of
Under this new market architecture        part of wind or photovoltaic energy      the European elections, a European
emerging within the Energy Union,         is connected (95% of renewables          policy on energy infrastructure is
one of the political priorities of the    are connected to them), produced         possible. Let us take it forward with
current Juncker Commission, the role      locally accross hundreds of thousand     determination and ambition! l
of one energy sector player has been      of sites. At the same time, they allow
particularly emphasized.                  for greater demand side integration,      Contact information
                                          support consumers in their quest for
With the widespread expansion             greater efficiency and energy savings      Djémila BOULASHA
of renewable, diffuse and                 and provide them with more and             Head of European Public Affairs
decentralised energies, the debate        more intelligent and intelligible data.    Email:
on infrastructures has moved, in                                                     Mob: +
less than ten years, from upstream        With the arrival of smart metering
(namely, the major electricity            devices, such as Linky in France, the
transmission networks, security of        distribution networks will more and
supply guarantors, and essential          more manage a considerable volume
architects of the opening up of           of data. This data will be relayed
transnational markets) to downstream      back to consumers and all local or
(electricity distribution networks). The  regional decision-makers, who are
Clean Energy Package specifically         keen to become actors in the energy
focuses on Distribution System            transition. Increasingly "smarter",
Operators (DSOs), in recognition of       they are also the digital interface
their central role as neutral system      needed to support new uses by
operators thus facilitating the           European citizens (electric vehicles,
functioning of European exchanges.        connected homes, etc.) within
                                          “smarter” local areas.
With the proliferation of new,
diffuse and decentralised sources         Electricity networks though, are not
of production, the development of         just technical or economic entities.

                                          * Enedis manages the public electricity distribution network for 95% of continental France.
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