Page 15 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
P. 15

Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation  15


field test to study and measure the       measured. The research group
trees’ growth both above and below        will also create recommendations
ground. As a partner, LUKE, the           for how the world’s carbon sinks
Natural Resource Institute Finland,       can be reinforced and what kinds
will contribute technical and practical   of measuring equipment and
forest know-how and expertise to the      methods should be used to measure
project, by directing and monitoring      them. An internationally accepted
the field test. In addition, the project  comprehensive measurement
will involve a local farmer, on whose     method for carbon-sequestrating
land different growing methods will       would enable the carbon trading of
be tested.                                the future.

Scientists developing an                  EU should add afforestation to its      Mika Aho
international measuring concept           climate policy
for carbon sequestration                  Only the private sector has sufficient  enabling companies to fulfill part
An internationally accepted and           financial resources for rapid large-    of their greenhouse gas reduction
standardised method of carbon             scale global afforestation. However,    or renewable energy targets with
measurement is an absolute                companies are currently lacking         carbon sequestration. If we don’t do
prerequisite, if carbon sinks created     the business case to engage with        it, the mankind will lose the battle of
through afforestation are to become       and invest in biogenic carbon           climate. l
an official and commercial method of      sequestration. EU’s current climate
reducing carbon dioxide emissions.        policy does not allow to use carbon
During the summer, the University         sinks as a tool in the Emission Trade
of Helsinki began a measurement           nor in Effort Sharing sectors, such
conceptualisation project with the        as transport for example, although
aim of creating an internationally        negative emissions are described
accepted comprehensive                    as imperative in the global climate
measurement method for carbon-            work. In addition to all current
sequestrating projects. During the        climate mitigation methods and
project, in collaboration with the        tools, measurable, auditable and
Finnish Meteorological Institute          transparent carbon sequestering
and ICOS RI (International Carbon         through afforestation needs to be
Observation System Research               added to the means of combating
Infrastructure), the University of        climate change as soon as possible.
Helsinki will create a comprehensive      Carbon sinks has to be seen as an
concept about how the climate             incremental tool, not as substitutive
effects of forests and carbon             one. We must harness the financial
sequestration in forest trees, soil and   strength of the companies in
other forest plants can be reliably       creating carbon sinks through

How to harness carbon sequestering for common global use                          Link to press release by Helsinki University

• A market place for the atmospheric carbon cycle must be created (CO2            Watch a video about Carbon Farming
   Exchange). Companies emitting and capturing carbon would trade CO2 in
   the market place, thus create a market price for CO2.                          For further information please contact:
                                                                                  Mika Aho
• The amount of sequestrated CO2 must be reliably measured according to           Director, Public Affairs
   the standardized methods.                                                      St1 Nordic Oy
                                                                                  +358 50 500 2072
   a. For the emitted CO2 there are already international standards and 
      calculation rules in place.                                       

   b. An international standardized, by the scientific world accepted,
      measurement concept for the sequestrated CO2 is needed.

   c. A pilot is needed, where the feasibility and reliability of the
      measurement concept can be demonstrated and proved.
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