Page 33 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 33

Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation                               33


following specific objectives have been
defined for the project:

•	 Development of a novel wafer
    bonded four-junction solar cell
    for better spectral matching with an
    efficiency of 48% using advanced
    materials and processes

•	 Development of a lattice-matched         Wafer with multi-junction concentrator solar cells © Fraunhofer ISE
    multi-junction solar cell with high
    efficiency potential and low process
    cost, comprising nanostructured
    coatings and innovative lattice-
    matched materials, obtained by
    combing III-V and IV elements

•	 Development of innovative, Fresnel
    lens-based HCPV modules

•	 Development of smart, mirror-based
    HCPV modules

•	 Life-cycle and environmental
    assessment of new multi-junction
    cells and HCPV modules

•	 Assess the developments realized on
    solar cells and modules by means of
    adapted characterization methods

IMPACT                                      Prototype of a new mirror-based concentrator. © ASSE
The central expected impact of this
project is to significantly increase        CPV power plants in Southern Europe      Project Coordinator
the technical performance of III-V          could deliver predictable, low-cost      Dr. Simon P. Philipps, Fraunhofer ISE
multi-junction solar cells and HCPV         and reliable electricity and hence       Dr. Andreas W. Bett, Fraunhofer ISE
modules and thus to lower the cost          improve EU energy security by  
for PV energy. HCPV systems reach           lowering the need for energy imports
efficiency levels which flat-plate PV will  of fossil fuels and nuclear material.
never be able to reach cost-efficiently.    This holds in particular as most of the                      This project has
In addition, CPVMatch will help to          CPV manufacturing value chain lies                           received funding
increase the reliability, maintainability,  within Europe and includes several                           from the European
and lifetime of CPV while increasing        of the key enabling technologies,                            Union’s Horizon
simplicity and decreasing operation         which were identified as essential for   2020 research and innovation
and maintenance costs.                      maintaining European competitiveness.    programme under grant agreement
                                            Many start-up and smaller companies      No 640873. The authors are solely
One of the central aims of the              exist in Europe that can produce CPV     responsible for this information and
project is also to reduce the life-cycle    systems, including cells, modules and    it only reflects the author’s view. The
environmental impact of electricity         other system components. Hence           European Commission or any of
generation. HCPV systems already            the success of this project will help    their agencies are not responsible
have low energy payback times of            to nurture the development of the        for any use that may be made of the
6 to 9 months in Southern Europe,           European industrial capacity to produce  information it contains.
which will be further reduced through       CPV components and systems and to
CPVMatch. Therefore, this project will      open new opportunities for companies
contribute to solving the global climate    and the strong research community in
and energy challenge by improving           Europe. l
one of the most promising solar energy
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