Page 36 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 36

36  Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation


An EU strategy for electro-mobility          for the transposition of the Directive                           Commission study investigating
should first acknowledge electrification     on the deployment of alternative fuels                           the competitiveness effects on the
as the final piece in the sustainable        infrastructure will be notified to the                           automotive industry concluded that
mobility jigsaw. As the energy transition    European Commission in November                                  post-2020 EU LDV CO2 legislation
is leading to a much cleaner, interactive    this year.                                                       would not directly affect competiveness
and customer-friendly power system,                                                                           of EU car manufacturing, component
one obvious way of decarbonising             Furthermore, the revised EU Effort                               manufacturing and fuel or energy
transport is to switch fuel to electricity.  Sharing Decision, which establishes                              supply industry. Therefore, this shows
There is no energy carrier that can          binding annual greenhouse gas                                    that the new Regulation should aim for
decarbonise to the same extent and           emission targets for non-EU ETS                                  goals that are more ambitious.
scale as electricity.                        sectors, should reflect a clear approach
                                             for the decarbonisation of transport                             Electro-mobility offers an unequalled
The EU electro-mobility strategy should      post-2020. Moreover, the upcoming                                solution to make Europe’s transport
also aim to increase the share of            review of the Regulations setting                                more efficient, less dependent on
electric journey and freight kilometers      CO2 targets for cars and Light Duty                              imported energy, low carbon, clean
travelled using vehicles and trains,         Vehicles should aim for ambitious                                and quiet. The policy and investment
many of which are manufactured               standards for the post-2020 period.                              choices we make today have to more
in the EU. Member States should              Car manufacturers largely opposed                                ambitious, so that electro-mobility can
develop comprehensive and ambitious          the previous regulation, which                                   become a cornerstone of Europe’s
national plans for the development           demanded a mandatory target                                      decarbonisation of transport strategy. l
of electro-mobility, including targets       for new cars of 130 grammes CO2
for recharging infrastructure and EVs,       emissions per kilometre by 2015.                                   Contact details:
public procurement measures and              Despite this opposition, European                                  Anamaria OLARU
other implementing mechanisms. In            carmakers reached their 130g/km                                    Press & Media Relations
this context, national policy frameworks     target early. Meanwhile, a European                                EURELECTRIC
                                                                                                                Tel: +32 2 515 10 71
1) See Transport & Environment: Don’t breathe here. Tackling pollution from vehicles, September 2015, , page 3.
2) Transport White Paper 2011

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