Page 41 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 41
Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation 41
each of the five pillars, providing of cheap energy when available. At innovative technology rapidly into
an opportunity to cement Europe’s present, EU regulatory support for the market, by opening up a wealth
position as leader in innovation and smart charging and energy storage is of new possibilities for technology
climate-friendly technology. Below, lacking and we must carefully consider and services. In particular, research to
we present our views on how electro- electric vehicle (EV) owners can further improve battery performances
mobility and the Energy Union can participate and reap benefits from our and reduce cost should be supported
mutually reinforce each other in the rapidly evolving energy system. at EU level, but also improving railways’
years ahead. energy efficiency. To quicken the arrival
Energy Efficiency of this innovation, we will need to
ELECTRO-MOBILITY IN THE ENERGY Electro-mobility ensures a more ensure strategic focusing of research
UNION efficient use of energy as compared and investment tools at the EU’s
Security of Supply with fuel-based solutions (from disposal, shining a light on the exciting
In 2014, the EU relied on imports electric rail and public transport to possibilities for electro-mobility,
for 88% of its crude oil supply and electric vehicles which are three including in particular energy storage,
studies have shown that our energy times more efficient than combustion light electric vehicles and electric
dependency has only increased. In cars), and therefore makes transport buses.
2015, a year of historically low oil as a whole more energy efficient. In
prices, total spending on crude oil addition, EVs are expected to make In summing the benefits brought by
imports in the EU was €187 billion an important contribution to the use electro-mobility to each of the Energy
(equivalent to 1.3% of EU GDP, or €368 and the optimisation of renewable Union Strategy pillars, it is clear that a
per capita). Adding estimates for diesel energy sources, with their ability to powerful case can be made to realise
imports yields a total of around €215 provide flexible energy storage. Seizing such a vision through European policy-
bn, equivalent to €425 per capita. these benefits will be a key driver in making. The Platform for Electro-
Today, Russia accounts for 30% of supporting Member States to achieve mobility urges EU decision-makers to
our oil imports, while geopolitically energy and climate goals. continue and strengthen their support
instable regions such as Nigeria and for a sustainable transport system in
sub-Saharan Africa represent 16% Climate Action Europe. l
of our imports. A further 15% came While half of the European power mix
from the Middle East. Reducing is decarbonised today, this share is Contact detials:
such dependency requires the swift expected to grow to three-quarters by Website:
electrification of transport, which would 2030. Any shift from oil to electricity in
help the EU provide energy security by the transport sector would therefore Tel: +32 (0)2 894 46 68 (ECOS)
minimising our reliance on imported substantially reduce our overall CO2 Email:
fossil fuels. emissions and help the transport sector
to meet European climate targets. As (ECOS)
A fully integrated internal energy organisations such as the IEA have
market indicated, at least three out of every
Electro-mobility is the bridge between four cars sold will need to be full EVs
the power and transport sectors, or plug-in hybrids by 2050, for the
providing new sources of flexibility transport sector to be able to support
to the energy system. Harnessing this meeting the 1.5°C target agreed at
flexibility will be an important factor COP21.
in achieving a smart and cost-efficient
energy system in the EU, which allows Research and Innovation
participants to make the best use Electrification of transport will bring