Page 58 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 58
58 Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation
Table 1: Summary cost and impact assessments for Urban/suburban properties
Cost/impact Hydrogen Electrification/heat pump District Heating
Heat supply
Consumer premises
Source: Red = highest cost/impact Green = lowest cost/impact
solid walls though home heating will would be costly and disruptive for options and these are summarised
still be required. A recent study from consumers and may only be feasible in table 1. It is clear that that there
Imperial College has looked at the cost for less densely populated areas. is no single solution and due to the
and effectiveness of three potential diversity in housing densities and types
solutions to decarbonising heat: • District heating (DH) which would approaches should be tailored to suit
require the development of a new local circumstances.
• Convert gas distribution networks network to distribute centrally
to hydrogen – this is technically generated heat to consumer Equally important will be establishing
feasible due to high proportion of premises. This is a popular approach an appropriate strategic and regulatory
polyethylene pipe in the distribution in a number of European cities but framework to facilitate an effective
network. Existing gas storage is not a low carbon solution unless “system of governance for heat”. This
facilities could be utilised though the DH plant is itself low carbon. should include a detailed assessment
the much lower calorific value of Installing a new heat network in of the risks and issues associated with
hydrogen presents some major a built up environment would be transitioning away from natural gas.
challenges. Consumers may need hugely disruptive and expensive. The existing networks and associated
to change appliances but disruption Perhaps even more problematically infrastructure such as storage and
would be relatively minor. The it could prove very difficult to get interconnectors are likely to continue
biggest challenge is developing individual consumers to sign up to to have a role even if it is not in
a low cost, large scale source of the new system without some form transporting natural gas. Declining
hydrogen. The two options looked of compulsion which in itself may be gas throughput during a transition
were electrolysis of water or the politically unacceptable. DH using could, however, result in disinvestment
reformation of natural gas. The latter low carbon sources such as heat in key infrastructure happening in
would produce CO2 so would also pumps could have a role in new a haphazard and uncoordinated
need to employ carbon capture build developments particularly with manner. Cooperation between network
and storage (CCS). Both options a large “anchor tenant’ to underwrite operators, energy suppliers and the
are technically unproven and very a long term commitment. regulator will be essential. This may
expensive. require radical rethinking of both the
Other sources such as biomass, solar network’s regulatory regime as well as
• Direct electrification of heating and geo-thermal could also play a the competitive energy supply market.
using low carbon sources of limited role but do not, under present
power generation coupled, where technologies, present a scalable In the words of the Chinese proverb - a
necessary, with heat pumps located solution. Transitional approaches such journey of a thousand miles starts with
on consumer premises. This may be as hybrid heat pumps could also be a single step. This journey is likely to
an effective option in well insulated, adopted but they do not provide an require a number of single steps before
multi-occupancy buildings but enduring low carbon solution. a clear route, or more likely routes,
significant investments in electricity is identified. These steps need to be
network capacity are likely to be The Imperial study has looked at made soon if the 2050 low carbon
required. Installation of heat pumps the applicability of these different objectives are to be met. l