Page 56 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
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56 Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation
digital services based on a user centric up of the ETSI Group Specification These 13 European Standards
“smart city” model. “Global KPI Modelling for Green Smart should be published in Q1 2018
Cities” (ETSI GS OEU 009) developed and will address: equipment and
ETSI SUPPORTS THIS USER CENTRIC in ETSI ISG OEU (Operational energy system standards to minimize energy
GOVERNANCE MODEL WITH NEW Efficiency for Users) in 2014 with the consumption and optimize end-
STANDARDIZATION GROUP same city as initiator. ETSI GS OEU of-life environmental impacts; KPIs
009 should be published during Q1 with methodologies to determine
To address the issue of users’ involve- 2017. SDMC is involved in General equipment energy efficiency;
ment in the standardization process, the Engineering and Global KPI Smart standardized global indicators to
city of Bordeaux decided to be invol- City standardization. The group works monitor the improvement of overall
ved in ETSI and initiate the creation of closely with other ETSI standardization efficiency of operational networks and
a working group dealing with “smart ci- bodies involved in energy efficiency or methodologies to evaluate information
ties”. The “Sustainable Digital Multiserv- machine-to-machine technology as well technology and networks equipment
ice Cities” (SDMC) group was created as H2020 projects such as CITYKEYS end-of-life environmental impacts.
in 2016 within ETSI Access, Terminal, where Eurocities is a consortium
Transmission and Multiplexing (ATTM) partner or the ESPRESSO project where The ‘bottom-up’ approach to involve
technical committee. On the other hand ETSI is a consortium partner. SDMC is users in ETSI’s standardization process
and in order to identify cities’ needs also closely cooperating in EC Mandate enables them to contribute to the
at European level, Bordeaux created M/462 phase 2. smart city standards. It allows cities to
a standards working group in January define their objectives, express their
2016 within Eurocities - an association EUROPEAN STANDARDS TO ENABLE needs in terms of interoperability
of over 140 European Cities. EFFICIENT ENERGY USE and efficiency and contribute to the
The European Commission mandated technical standardization that will
FIRST SMART CITY CEN, CENELEC and ETSI to enable support innovation and the regulation
STANDARDIZATION GROUP efficient energy use in fixed and mobile of the «Sustainable Smart-Cities» of
CHAIRED BY A CITY AT ETSI! information and communication tomorrow. l
The first Sustainable Digital Multiservice networks through Mandate M/462
Cities meeting was held on 9 June Phase 2. ETSI gathered a group of
2016 and Christophe Colinet, Smart experts to issue 13 European Standards
City Project Manager in Bordeaux (ENs) in support of the mandate. The 13
Metropolis (Directorate General for ENs will support the implementation of
Digital and Information System), and an efficient infrastructure of Information
EG4U** secretary, was elected as a and Communication Technology in
Chairman. The objective of this newly the following areas: Sites (access site,
created working group is to identify radio access, central office, core site,
and share the needs of the cities e.g. transmission site or data centre);
with the various national, European Long haul/backbone using optical fibre
and international standardization technologies; Transit/metropolitan
organizations. The specifications will edge/back haul using optical fibre
serve as a starting point for discussions technologies; Transport and local
with OEMs and support European distribution access focused on optical
legislation. fibre technologies and radio based
stations and Residential, including end-
This working group is a logical follow user connections.
* Source : poll OpinionWay for Foncière des Régions, Novembre 2014
**EG4U: The European non-governmental organisation (NGO) of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Users. This NGO, dedicated to energy management & waste monitoring, has been created early December, 2015, by ICT
(Information & communications technologies) users, members of ETSI Industry Specification Group (ISG) called Operational
energy Efficiency for Users (OEU), based in Sophia Antipolis (France)