Page 51 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 51

Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation    51


                                       Photo: Nissan Motors  This means that providing such services   be made to participate in grid system
                                                             would not only benefit the power          services. Initially ten vehicles are used –
The Nikola project analyzed the                              system - it could also substantially      more will be added during the pilot.
potential revenue of participating in                        decrease the costs of owning an
this service and found that the earnings                     electric vehicle.                         This activity is the world’s first
could be more than 100 Euro pr month                                                                   commercial V2G application on an
pr vehicle.                                                  Another important point is that these     operational fleet of vehicles and is a
                                                             services can also be delivered by non-    cooperation between the companies
Compare this with the cost of energy                         V2G vehicles as well. However, the V2G    NUVVE, Nissan, ENEL and the Danish
for driving the vehicle which for an                         capability considerably strengthens the   utility company Frederiksberg Forsyning.
average Danish EV owner would be                             grid benefit and revenue in performing
around 40 Euro pr month.                                     the services.                             This will be a big breakthrough for V2G
                                                                                                       technology and the idea of the electric
                                                             In Nikola it was found that a V2G         vehicle as a resource for the Danish and
                                                             enabled electric vehicle could earn       European power system.
                                                             6-13 times more in the market than a
                                                             car without this capability. The main     The pilot will also interface with, and
                                                             difference is that a car, that cannot     support, the Danish parker project
                                                             discharge its battery, will eventually    starting this year.
                                                             fill up and will no longer be able to
                                                             provide the service.                      The Parker project seeks to support and
                                                                                                       validate that series-produced electrical
                                                             MOVING FORWARD                            vehicles can support the future power
                                                             The vision of Willett Kempton, and        grid by participating in advanced smart
                                                             the learning from the Danish Nikola       grid services.
                                                             validations, has during the summer of
                                                             2016 been carried into a commercial       The parker project also seeks to
                                                             pilot in the City of Copenhagen – the     increase the visibility and attention
                                                             Frederiksberg pilot.                      around the electric vehicles ability
                                                                                                       to support the grid by working
                                                             Here, an operational fleet of Nissan      with a number of electric vehicle
                                                             eNV200 vans used by a local utility will  manufacturers. l
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