Page 52 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2016 publication
P. 52

52  Autumn 2016 European Energy Innovation


From sustainable Mobility
to E-mobility

By Joseph Beretta, Avere-France President, AVERE Vice president

THE ROLE OF E-MOBILITY IN                   3.	 Alternatives have not the same          DEVELOPMENT OF E-MOBILITY IN
SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY                            credibility:                            FRANCE
E-mobility has the potential to play                                                    E-mobility will play a key role in solving
a key role in ensuring sustainable          Natural gas is not a low-carbon expect      many of the challenges to energy use
mobility for the future. The current        Bio gas but its stay today a niche          and urbanisation. France is one of the
conditions is today met, this is            solution. Biofuels have huge and, as yet    most dynamic markets in the world, the
partly due to the current economic          unresolved, sustainability challenges,      EVs market shares are only 1% of the
situation, with increasing sales of         especially to regard agricultural land.     whole automobile market when PHEV
electrical vehicles, a large extent also    Only hydrogen may be part of future         are only 0,4%, which makes France
due to quick progress in charging           e-mobility but efficiency issues have yet   the 4th European market in terms of
infrastructure deployment, and clear        to be addressed.                            penetration after Norway, Denmark and
and unified vision from politicians.                                                    Switzerland.
                                            4. 	The economics aspect of electric
E-mobility can be a large part of a long-       vehicles:                               Strong barriers remain for
term solution to mobility challenges;                                                   electromobility to grow massively:
for that full cooperation between utility   E-mobility can reinforce trends towards
providers, infrastructure companies,        sustainable transport (high fixed costs,    •	 the high retail prices of vehicles;
energy sector, standardisation bodies,      low variable costs) help vehicle sharing.
automotive industry and the full support    A key element on electrification must       •	 the low level of consumer
of national governments and the             be to go beyond ownership. Electric             acknowledge and acceptance;
European institutions is required. Avere-   traction is also well suited for small
France and AVERE Europe assume this         and light vehicles such as e-bikes,         •	 the lack of recharging infrastructure
networking role at both levels.             e-scooters, and small quadricycles that
                                            are quickly becoming more popular.          Indeed, there are still strong myths on
THE REASONS TO CHOOSE                                                                   electric vehicles and, in spite of the
E-MOBILITY:                                 5.	 Innovation and competitiveness:         existing subsidies and the development
1.	 Environment point of view:              There are large chose of technologies:      of charging infrastructures network,
Electrification is credible option for      petrol hybrid, plug-in, full electric and   price and range are still considered as
decarbonisation of surface transport.       fuel cell vehicles for future vehicle       obstacles by most of the people.
Electricity is now already a significantly  powertrains. It’s time from Europe to
cleaner power source than oil, and          regards global competitiveness to           Public support can be considered as
will become more free carbon content        switch from diesel to E-mobility. A         vital for the growth of electromobility
in coming decades. Sustainable              shift to electrification of transport is a  in France. But it is not enough. Avere-
e-mobility can help clean up electricity    benefit from air pollution, imported        France deployed a strong effort on
by providing a storage option,              oil, cleaning electricity and, in the       pedagogy and information is still
stabilising the grid. Electric vehicles     process, stimulating jobs, growth and
have not exhaust pipe emissions and         sustainable mobility choices
emitted very low particulates from
brake, thank to regeneration braking.

2.	 Energy concerns:
Electric traction is inherently 2 to
3 more energy efficient than other
options,. Electricity is superior to oil;
gas or biofuels to regards diversity and
independence of energy. It can draw
from a wide variety of energy sources,
especially from renewable like wind
and solar.

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