Page 20 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2017 publication
P. 20

20  Autumn 2017 European Energy Innovation


The final software tool to master
Well-to-Wheel analyses

OPTIRESOURCE is a powerful and interactive software           OPTIRESOURCE uses data from the study “Well-to-Wheel
package for Well-to-Wheel analyses as well as for evaluation  Analisys of Future Automotive Fuels and Powertrains in
and visualization of car-related energy chains and energy     the European Context”, conducted by the JEC consortium.
scenarios. It provides information about the primary          The JEC is a cooperation between the european Joint
energy demand and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission rate          Research Center, EUCAR and Concawe which provides
associated with energy chains or energy scenarios. The        neutral and validated simulation results concerning energy
results also include an evaluation of primary energy supply   consumption and green- house-gas emissions that allows
and land and water use for the chains where this information  a fair comparison across drive systems. The database is
is relevant.                                                  complemented with supplementary input from the LBST
                                                              consultancy firm.
OPTIRESOURCE is an essential tool for politicians, vehicle
manufacturers, planners, users and buyers of vehicles         Before OPTIRESOURCE was established, it was difficult to
to make plans and to take actions about future transport      show, compare, add or sort this large spectrum of mobility
solutions. Its database allows the creation of more than      concepts. For this reason, Daimler, aided by Protoscar, has
800 chains, combining several primary energy carriers,        developed OPTIRESOURCE: an intuitive and interactive
processes, fuels and power trains, giving a comprehensive     software family for the Well-to-Wheel assessment of
overview of today’s and future mobility concepts.             passenger cars.

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