Page 17 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2017 publication
P. 17
Autumn 2017 European Energy Innovation 17
supply problem to other countries with entire transport and energy sectors to both climate change and air quality,
many undesired side effects. non-fossil fuels. Electric vehicles have the difference between petrol, diesel,
the potential to drive on solar and LPG and natural gas driven cars is
There are other fuels such as natural wind power. minimal. Hybrid and plug-in hybrid
gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). vehicles can improve scores with a
They have a less negative impact on It is not so easy to compare all the factor two. The overall environmental
air quality and are thus better for our alternatives. But fortunately we have impact of battery-electric vehicles can
health. On the other hand, however, scientific methods to do this for us, be up to five times smaller
they do not offer a real solution for namely life cycle analysis models (LCA) than conventional fuels, in case we
climate change. In order to counter to compare all these factors in an consider for example the Belgian
climate change we need to switch our unbiased way. If we take into account electricity mix.