Page 12 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2017 publication
P. 12
12 Autumn 2017 European Energy Innovation
Interview with Daniele Agostini
Daniele Agostini, Vice Chairman EURELECTRIC WG Energy & Resource Efficiency and Head of Low Carbon
and European Energy Policies, Enel
Q A lot of progress has been made electric cars, delivering an additional Daniele Agostini
to reduce overall levels of big plus for air quality improvement.
greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. and among countries to create a more
However, emissions from transport This is becoming increasingly urgent efficient system. It is the only way to
continue to rise. What do you think is as according to the 2016 EEA upscale and accelerate the emission
the key solution to cutting emissions Report on air quality 85-91% of the reductions effort required by the
from this sector? EU urban population is exposed to Paris Agreement. Such cross-sectorial
concentrations of PM2.5 above the partnerships are already blooming,
Indeed, transport is responsible for WHO guideline value (data refer to with many Eurelectric members playing
about a quarter of EU greenhouse 2012-2014). Poor air quality needs a key role in their creation. Public
gas (GHG) emissions and it is almost to be addressed as it causes serious policy should catalyse such process
exclusively dependent on oil for fuel. It problems to human health, making it by promoting initiatives supporting
is actually the only major sector in the the number one environmental cause collaboration across sectorial
EU in which GHG emissions are still of premature death in the EU. The boundaries.
rising – this is why it’s crucial now to put European Commission3 estimated that
a special focus on the transport sector. total health-related external costs of Q We are waiting for the second
poor air quality in 2013 were in the part of the Mobility Package
Even though much can be done in range of €330–940 billion. from the European Commission.
areas such as logistic optimisation What do you expect from the
and light weighting, we see the Q What role do you see for the package? What actions are now
electrification of transport as the only electricity industry now and in needed at the EU level to boost
solution to move forward. I am not the future in contributing to the electrification and the transition to
speaking only about passenger cars, transport emissions challenge? low carbon transport?
but also about light and light duty
vehicles, as well as buses. I believe that the electricity sector has We expect clear, long-term and
come a long way in its transformation ambitious CO2 emission performance
Battery electric vehicles reduce towards low carbon generation. In standards that will lead to the
drastically the GHG emissions of road 2015, we generated 56%4 of all the EU’s accelerated uptake of zero emission
transport. They do not have any tailpipe electricity from carbon free sources vehicles. These standards will also
emissions and all emissions linked and this share continues to increase send a strong political message while
to power generation are subject to every year. We are investing widely in ensuring long-term investment and
the EU ETS and thus capped. Even if low-carbon and innovative solutions innovation. They must be properly
we wanted to count these emissions to achieve our commitment to deliver verified and set on vehicles actually
as transport emissions, with the carbon-neutral electricity supply by sold, not only on vehicles offered on
current European power mix, electric 2050, and this year we have stated our the market.
passenger cars emit 50gCO2/km1, intention not to invest in new-build
already significantly less than the 2021 coal-fired power plants after 2020.
fleet emission limit for new cars of Therefore, electrification is the obvious
95gCO2/km. choice for driving the decarbonisation
of the transport sector.
In 2016, the average emissions of
new cars sold was still 118gCO2/km1. We are therefore committed to provide
Although there is still some room for a decarbonised transport fuel. But
improvements in internal combustion in order to continue this process of
engines, they will not be sufficient to decarbonisation, we need to engage
get us even close to decarbonisation openly with non-energy industries, such
of the transport sector. Let us also not as automotive, construction and ICT,
forget that other pollutant emissions, to create value outside our traditional
such as nitrogen oxides and dust, major boundaries. The transformation that
causes of smog in our cities, can be we are all facing requires collaboration
drastically reduced by switching to and coordination among industries