Page 7 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2017 publication
P. 7

Autumn 2017 European Energy Innovation                                                       7


printed parts and logistics, electric   decrease the costs, rendering electric    fuel cells and alternative fuels will have
power trains, interconnected mobility   cars affordable for consumers. An         to play a role.
services... to move forward. On the     increasing share of e-cars (imposed via
other hand, demand must be ramped       ZEV quotas) obliges car manufactures      The EU must learn to see legislation
up via green public procurement –       to develop them for lower income          as the standard bearer of new
purchasing of electric vehicles by      groups and not only for the premium       technology. ZEV mandates were first
public authorities for own use or for   segment.                                  introduced in the Clean Air Act in
public car sharing programs – and via                                             California, before ZEV technologies
Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) quotas for  Politics is catching up. More and more    even existed. European manufactures
car manufacturers. These measures       countries are announcing measures         must learn to bring their technology
must create the needed scale to         to phase out the internal combustion      in line with the legislation we want
                                        engine. Next to Norway, also France       instead of trying to get our legislation
                                        and the UK wants to get rid of the dirty  in line with the technology they want.
                                        tailpipes. The European Parliament
                                        voted with an overwhelming majority       Without EU policies that force the
                                        the recommendations on clean cars         European car industry to move ahead,
                                        policies made by the EMIS inquiry         our industry will face a “clean-tech
                                        committee that I was privileged to        leakage”. This might even be the case
                                        chair. These voted recommendations1       for these manufacturers that keep on
                                        call for the introduction of Zero         swearing by the diesel technologies. The
                                        Emission Vehicle (ZEV) mandates in the    emission limit standards for NOx in the
                                        upcoming proposal on CO2 standards        US are already more stringent than the
                                        for cars and vans “with the aim of        Euro 6 standards applicable in the EU.
                                        phasing out new CO2-emitting cars by      And a new policy briefing of the ICCT2
                                        2035”. The Commission is following        shows that from July 2023 onwards, the
                                        cautiously. In its Communication on       Chinese emission standard for NOx will
                                        the Mobility Package – “Europe on         lay significantly below the Euro 6 level.
                                        the Move” – it expresses its intention    From that date on Chinese cars will be
                                        to consider the inclusion of specific     saleable in the EU, but European cars
                                        targets for low and/or zero-emission      could not be sold in China.
                                        vehicles in its upcoming proposal on
                                        the post 2020 CO2 standards. CO2-         A progressive legislative approach
                                        standards for heavy duty vehicles such    tackling both CO2 emissions and the
                                        as lorries, buses and coaches are also    emissions of air pollutants in our car
                                        “under consideration”. Also here, the     fleet is imperative to preserve the
                                        EU risks lagging behind since fuel        competitiveness of our industry and
                                        economy standards for heavy duty          to protect the environment and public
                                        vehicles were already introduced          health. As former Commissioner
                                        in other parts of the world, such as      Potocznik said in an EMIS hearing: “We
                                        in the US, Japan and China. In the        end up killing industry with kindness
                                        decarbonisation of the heavy duty         by giving in to the calls for less
                                        transport, electrification will only be   ambition, longer time to achieve it, and
                                        part of the solution. For long distance   allowing loopholes.” Let’s hope this
                                        transport, other technologies such as     lesson from Dieselgate is learned. l

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