Page 44 - European Energy Innovation - autumn 2017 publication
P. 44

44  Autumn 2017 European Energy Innovation


Deployment of Liquefied &
Compressed Natural Gas related
initiatives in the Danube region

By Manfred Seitz and Ruxandra Florescu, Pro Danube International, Vienna

Home to over 80 million                   GHG emissions decreased in the            Masterplan for Rhine-Main-Danube
                people, the Danube        majority of sectors between 1990 and      flagship project (2013-2015) opened
                region aims at ensuring   2015, with the notable exception of       up the way for several other ambitious
                prosperous economies,     transport. Road transportation alone      projects meant to close up the gap
healthy societies and dynamic             accounted for 24 % of CO2 emission in     in the small-scale LNG supply chains
ecosystems. With the Danube River as      2015 (for EU-28 and Iceland).             in the Danube region. There are
core transport axis, inland waterborne                                              numerous challenges to be dealt with
transport plays an important role for     In line with EU policies Danube           when promoting the use of natural
the transportation of goods in Europe,    countries have started to push towards    gas (liquefied or compressed) as a fuel
with demonstrated advantages in           achieving a low carbon economy.           and as cargo, but Austria, Slovakia,
comparison to other modalities i.a.       The usage of Liquefied Natural Gas         Hungary and Romania are making
lower costs, lack of congestion, energy   (LNG) & Compressed Natural Gas            important steps in this direction in
efficiency, all these turning it into an   (CNG) – including bio-methane – as        line with the Directive 2014/94/EU on
extremely attractive transport mode.      an eco-friendly alternative fuel and as   the deployment of alternative fuels
The Danube is not only a vital source     a new commodity is one key element        infrastructure.
of water supply sustaining navigation,    for greening the transport system of
but is also great for facilitating power  the region. Moreover, LNG is capable      In Upper Austria, Rohöl-Aufsuchung
generation, industry development,         of playing a vital role in the region in  AG (RAG) – the fourth-largest gas
biodiversity, agriculture, fishing,        supporting innovation, sustainable        storage company in Europe is building
recreation, tourism, etc.                 development and the competitiveness       a new LNG filling station in the port
                                          of inland waterway transport, fact        of Enns, adding from the end of
According to the European                 which was demonstrated already by         September 2017 another important
Commission, transport represents          the success stories in North-Western      refuelling facility for Europe’s logistics
almost a quarter of Europe’s              Europe.                                   and heavy duty transportation, for
greenhouse gas emissions and is the                                                 both road and inland waterways.
main cause of air pollution in cities.    The experiences gained in the LNG         Ennshafen is located at the confluence
                                                                                    of the rivers Enns and Danube and in
Photo: © RAG, Austria                                                               close proximity to the Europe-wide
                                                                                    E60 major traffic route, the second
                                                                                    longest E-road in Europe. Due to its
                                                                                    location, the station is ideally suited
                                                                                    for transport companies that rely on
                                                                                    LNG as an environmentally cleaner
                                                                                    fuel. RAG successfully introduced one
                                                                                    Iveco Stralis NP truck (the first LNG
                                                                                    truck in Austria) in April this year. More
                                                                                    Stralis NP trucks will be delivered to
                                                                                    selected customers in September
                                                                                    2017. According to Iveco, there are
                                                                                    more than 2.000 of such trucks on the
                                                                                    road all over Europe.

                                                                                    In Slovakia two ambitious EU-funded

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